Andres Salazar

Andres Salazar

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Sort and Filter in AdvancedDaraGridView nugget ADGV

Apr 26 2017 8:09 PM


I wrote this code for FILTER, SORT and COUNT ROWS.

private void GridPlanCuentas_SortStringChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.cNTBPlanCuentaBindingSource.Sort = this.GridPlanCuentas.SortString;

private void GridPlanCuentas_FilterStringChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.cNTBPlanCuentaBindingSource.Filter = this.GridPlanCuentas.FilterString;

private void cNTBPlanCuentaBindingSource_ListChanged(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e)
lbltotal.Text = string.Format("Total rows: {0}", this.cNTBPlanCuentaBindingSource.List.Count);

Whit this code COMPILAR appear doesn't exist any problem but when i use the advanced DataGridView any function of SORT, FILTER and COUNT ROWS works.

I attach the link with the demo, my tools that i use are CODESMITH (PLINQO-NH) and NHIBERNATE, VS 2015 and nugget ADGV (AdvancedDaraGridView).

The name for the file whit the demo is Test AdavancedDataGridView.rar · 28.45 MB

The next link is an example that i found in youtube thats what im trying to do.
