Nikita Sudhir

Nikita Sudhir

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C# Filtering datagrid without database

Jul 14 2015 12:44 AM
I'm working on a project where I have to create an employee management system using Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio 2010.
I have been asked to not use any database for this project. I have to programatically add values into a datagridview and allow the user to filter out rows.
Eg: Filter names of the employees, filter employees who get paid more than $10,000, filter based on location, etc.
I have managed to populate the datagrid view with details.   I just don't understand how I could filter out the rows in the datagridview.
I decided to create a button called "Filter" in Form1.cs which would open up a different form just for filtering.
Any tips? 

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