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What is the best practice to retrive from multiple tables ?

Mar 18 2017 8:56 PM
I have the following 3 tables structured in the way as shown below. I am new to entity framework and trying to figure the best way in terms of performance to retrieve data?

My goal is to "Select joblink, usersubmitted, runstatus, submitted_time, changelist
orderby submitted time"
 can anyone provide guidance on how to do this?
lookahead_run (Table#1)
lookahead_run_id(PK)|joblink | usersubmitted |submitted_time |runstatus
15963---------------+link1---+---username1----+2017-03-17 22:28:53--Fail-----

lookahead_run_change_list (Table#2)

change_lists (Table#3)
34022-------- 1823900
34021-------- 1819483
34020-------- 1818572
I have a holder class as below to send the output as an object to the client
namespace Dashboard.Model.ApiModels
public class LookaheadRunInfo
public string ECJobLink { get; set; }
public List<String> gerrits { get; set; }
public string UserSubmitted { get; set; }
public string SubmittedTime { get; set; }
public string RunStatus { get; set; }


Answers (3)