Some Important Keywords of C#: Part 1

This is a very simple Part 1 article but will clarify some of the concepts of C# for those who are learning or for those also who might have a good knowledge but are unfortunately not yet familiar with these important features.


The as keyword is pretty cool, it also shows a very cool behavior.

The first of the following examples will return null if the object isn't a Mango, rather than throwing a class cast exception that will be the result of the second line.

Mango a = fruit as Mango; // as key will return null if fruit is NOT type of Mango 
Mango m = (Mango)fruit; // This Line will throw an error


public class Fruit


    // Some Code here



public class Mango:Fruit


    // Some Code here




public class Apple : Fruit


    // Some Code here



class Program


   static void Main(string[] args)



      Fruit fruit = new Fruit();

      Mango a = fruit as Mango; // as key will return null if fruit is NOT type of Mango

      Mango m = (Mango)fruit; // This Line will throw an error




The default keyword is a generic type, as in the following:

T t = default(T);

The output will be a "null" if T is a reference type, 0 if it is an int, false if it is a Boolean and so on.


Use of the yield keyword in any statement indicates that the method, operator or get accessor that is to use it is an iterator.

Here is a very simple example that explains how a method can behave like an iterator.

class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            IEnumerable<int> x = RetValue();


            foreach (var item1 in x)




  IEnumerable<int> y = RetValue2();


            foreach (var item1 in y)









        public static IEnumerable<int> RetValue()


            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


                if (i == 5)

                    yield break;


                yield return i;



public static IEnumerable<int> RetValue2()


            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


                if (i == 5)

                    yield break;


                yield return i*i-1;




Output: 0,1,2,3,4

   -1 0 3 8 15


A tuple is a class that can have many items of various types. You can have a value type such as an int or reference type as a string in a tuple.

// Create three-item tuple.
      Tuple<int, string, bool> tuple = new Tuple<int, string, bool>(1,
          "horse", true);
// Access tuple properties.
      if (tuple.Item1 == 1)
      if (tuple.Item2 == "horse")
      if (tuple.Item3)

ing Tuple as argument Example

static void Main()

// Create four-item tuple; use var implicit type.
var tuple = new Tuple<string, string[], int, int[]>("Python",
    new string[] { "TypeScript", "c#" },
    new int[] { 2, 3 });
//  tuple as argument.
MyTuples (tuple);
static void MyTuples(Tuple<string, string[], int, int[]> tuple)
// Evaluate the tuple's items.
foreach (string value in tuple.Item2)
foreach (int value in tuple.Item4)

What are a Tuples called?
A 2-tuple is called a pair.
A 3-tuple is called a triple.
A 4-tuple is called a quadruple.
A 5-tuple is called a quintuple.
A 6-tuple is called a sextuple.
A 7-tuple is called a septuple.
Larger tuples are called n-tuples. In my next articles of this series, I will explain some of the other keywords, Attributes, Syntax, language features, the Framework feature
and some more. If you feel I should add some other important keyword that I missed then please say so in a comment so we can all cover it. Enjoy.

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