Edit and Delete a Comment in an Issue in JIRA Tool

A user can edit his own comments. (The user should have, however, been granted the Edit Own Comments project permission for that.) In addition to that a user can also edit another person's comments (for that the user should have been granted the Edit All Comments project permission).

How to edit a comment

  1. Locate the comment you want to edit, below any issue.
  2. Click on the Edit icon, located on the comment.


    The Comment text-box will open again for editing.


  3. Edit the comment's text inside the text-box as required.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. The word "edited" will be displayed to show that the comment has been edited. You can place your mouse over the word "edited" to see who edited the comment and when it was done.


A user can delete his own comments (for that the user should have been granted the Delete Own Comments project permission). In addition to that the a user can also delete another person's comments (for that the user should have been granted the Delete All Comments project permission).

How to delete a comment

  1. Click on the Delete (trash-can) icon, located in front of the comment.
  2. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button.


How to collapse or expand a comment

  1. Locate the comment you want to edit, below any issue.
  2. To "collapse" a comment, click on the Collapse arrow, located at the start of the comment.
  3. To "expand" a collapsed comment, click on the Expand arrow, located at the start of the comment (which appears when the comment is collapsed).


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