An Overview of Cryptography


Cryptography is an art and science of secret communications. Cryptography is a technique used to provide security by encoding messages to make them non-readable.

Cryptography is used to hide the meaning of information in any form. Cryptography can be applied to anything that can be applied to anything that can be digitally coded such as:

  • Graphics
  • Software
  • Images
  • Voice
  • and so on

The unreadable form of the message or text is known as cipher text.


Keys in cryptography:

  1. Public key
  2. Private key

Public key: Public keys are those keys that are made available to anyone who needs it and is used to encrypt the data.

Private key: A Private key is safe and is not available to anyone except the creator and is used to decrypt data encrypted by the public key.

Symmetric key cryptography: In symmetric key cryptography the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.

Asymmetric key cryptography: In asymmetric key cryptography a different key is used for encryption and decryption.

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