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  • Assemblies In .NET Application4/29/2024 11:13:26 AM. Understand Assemblies in .NET, including Private and Shared types, managing in Global Assembly Cache, generating Public Key with Sn.exe, versioning with AssemblyInfo.cs, and installing with Gacutil. L
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  • Setting Up OpenSSL On Windows 10 Machine7/17/2022 1:37:05 PM. This article explains what openssl is and steps to install properly in windows 10 machines.
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  • Insecure Transport - Missing Public Key Pinning3/31/2016 11:21:10 AM. This article shares with the reader the steps on how to implement HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) security policy/control.
  • An Overview of Cryptography5/2/2014 1:37:42 PM. Cryptography is an art and science of secret communications. Cryptography is a technique used to provide security by encoding messages to make them non-readable.
  • Extracting Modules and Component(RSAParameter) from X509Certificate PublicKey10/3/2012 9:28:28 AM. In some applications, it might be necessary to extract the modulus and exponent from the X509Certificate PublicKey. The X509Certificate.GetPublicKey() returns a byte array that contains the ASN.1 Encoding information along with the modulus and exponent as described in the RFC2459.
  • Attaching a Digital Certificate (Public Key) to an HTTPS Request5/19/2012 5:27:38 AM. This article will guide you on how to post data to an HTTPS (i.e., secure connection) URL from a Windows application (.NET) by attaching a digital certificate from a certificate file and getting the response back.
  • Public Key Encryption (RSA Method) for Encryption and Decryption in ASP.Net8/19/2010 4:32:06 AM. In this article we will learn how use Public Key Encryption for Encryption and Decryption in ASP.Net
  • Cryptography in Asp.net9/7/2007 4:28:07 AM. This article explains what is Cryptography? Why it is needed? and the types of Cryptography.
  • Public Key Token Generation Algorithm12/16/2005 5:32:55 AM. The PublicKeyTokenGenerator class and a small utility that generates Public Key Token from the Public Key using that class.