Check Memory Usage Details in Windows 8


This article explains how to check memory usage details in Windows 8. With the help of Windows 8 builtin tools, we can get the information about the physical memory of your system. We can check the memory usage details with the help of "Performance Information and Tools". Windows 8 builtin tools provide the Performance and Resource Monitor Tools.
Windows 8 Advanced Tool is under the "Performance Information and Tools" and provides information about hardware such as Disk, CPU, Memory, and Network. Windows 8 provides the Resource Monitor. It is an advanced tool available in Windows 8. The Resource Monitor displays the processes running and the percentage of physical memory. The Resource Monitor provides information about total physical memory or Installed Memory, Memory in Use, Free Memory and Cached Memory.

Steps How to Check Memory Usage Details in Windows 8

Step 1
You can move the cursor on the right-bottom and click on the search box and type in it what you want.
Step 2
After opening the search box, you can type "Performance" under the settings tab highlighted. A window will appear, then click on the "Performance Information and Tool" under the settings tab.     
Step 3
In this step, you click on the "Advanced Tools". So it is available on the left side of the Window.
Step 4
In the Advanced Tool Window, you will see the list of Tools to get the performance details of your system. You click on the "Open Resource Monitor".
Step 5
After opening the Resource Monitor Window, you click on the Memory tab highlighted to get a detailed memory usage on your system.


In this article, we learned about Check Memory Usage Details in Windows 8.  

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