How to Create Custom MultiColumn Field Types in SharePoint 2010


This article explains how to create Multicolumn Custom Field Types in SharePoint. Suppose we have a scenario like in our list there is a column Address that has the fields Country, State, City, ZipCode, Street Address and so on. So one solution is to create multiple fields in a SharePoint list for each field or we can create a custom multicolumn field that handles all fields as a single logical unit.


Now suppose our custom field name is MyAddressField that has the following fields:

  1. Street Address Line
  2. City
  3. State
  4. Country
  5. Zip Code

The following are the steps that are required to create a Multicolumn Custom Field Type:

  • Create an Empty SharePoint Project as a Farm solution named as MyAddressField
  • In the solution add a SharePoint Mapped Folder of Template-Control Template


  • Now click on this Control Template Folder and add a user control named MyAddressRenderingTemplate.ascx
  • Add following code to the ascx file:





           <td>Address Street:</td>













           <td><asp:TextBoxID="txtCountry" runat="server"/></td>









  • Add a class named MyAddress.cs and write the following code:

    publicclass MyAddress : SPFieldMultiColumn


           public MyAddress(SPFieldCollection fields,

                                       string fieldName)

                :base(fields, fieldName) { }


           public MyAddress(SPFieldCollection fields,

                                       string typeName,

                                       string displayName)

                :base(fields, typeName, displayName) { }


           public overrideBaseFieldControl FieldRenderingControl




                   BaseFieldControl ctr =new MyAddressFieldControl();

                    ctr.FieldName = this.InternalName;

                   return ctr;




           public overridestring GetFieldValueAsHtml(object value)


               string HtmlLineBreak =@"<br />";

               SPFieldMultiColumnValue mColumnValue =

                 new SPFieldMultiColumnValue(value.ToString());

               string HtmlAddress = mColumnValue [0].ToString() + HtmlLineBreak;

               if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mcv[1]))


                    HtmlAddress += mcv[1].ToString() + HtmlLineBreak;


    HtmlAddress += mColumnValue [2].ToString() + ", " + mColumnValue [3] + "  " + mColumnValue [4];

               return HtmlAddress;




    publicclass MyAddressFieldControl : BaseFieldControl


       protected overridestring DefaultTemplateName


           get { return"MyAddressRenderingTemplate"; }


       protected TextBox txtAddress;

       protected TextBox txtCity;

       protected TextBox txtState;

       protected TextBox txtCountry;

       protected TextBox txtZipcode;


       protected overridevoid CreateChildControls()



            txtAddress =


            txtCity =


            txtState =


         txtCountry =


            txtZipcode =




       public overrideobject Value





               SPFieldMultiColumnValue mColumnValue =new SPFieldMultiColumnValue(5);

                    mColumnValue [0] = txtAddress.Text;

                    mColumnValue [1] = txtCity.Text.ToUpper();

                    mColumnValue [2] = txtState.Text;

                    mColumnValue [3] = txtCountry.Text;

                    mColumnValue [4] = txtZipcode.Text;

                   return mColumnValue;





                   SPFieldMultiColumnValue mColumnValue =


                    txtAddress.Text = mColumnValue [0];

                    txtCity.Text = mColumnValue [1];

                    txtState.Text = mColumnValue [2];

                    txtCountry.Text = mColumnValue [3];

                    txtZipcode.Text = mColumnValue [4];



  • Add another SharePoint Mapped Folder. Right-click on the solution, click on the "Add" menu and now click on "SharePoint Mapped Folder". You need to choose the Template-->XML folder. Now it will add a folder named XML to your solution.


  • Right-click on this XML folder and add an XML file named fldtypes_MyAddressFields.xml

    Add the following code inside this file.

        <FieldName="TypeDisplayName">MY Address</Field>
        <FieldName="TypeShortDescription">My Address</Field>

Finally the Project Structure will look like this:


Now deploy the solution and in your SharePoint site try to add a new column. You will then see there is a custom field named "MyAddressField". Add this column, you can find the multicolumn field when you try to insert a new record into your list.