Windows Azure: Deleting Co-Admin User Account in Azure Portal


In this article we are going to see how to delete a user account(Co-Admin) from the Azure Management Portal.


In our previous article we have seen how to add a new admin user account as Co-Administrator for the current subscription. We have also discussed what will be the usage of the co-admin and stuff. Check my earlier article to get more details of how to add the admin user account using the link .
Now in this article we will see how to remove the access and manage the user account and keep control on the user account for maintaining the full control by the service administrators. Let us jump start to see the step by step process of how to manage and delete the user credentials for a Co-Administrator.


Login to the Windows Azure portal using the following link and we will see the screen as shown below.


Provide your login credentials by clicking on the Sign in to Management Portal as highlighted in the above screen. After succesful login we will redirected to a nice interface as shown in the screen below:


Click in the Hosted Services, Storage Account and CDN option of the left Menu as shown in the screen below:


Now click on the User Management Menu at the left of the screen as shown below. We will get the current user information of both the Service Administrator and the Co-administrator which we are going to delete as shown in the screen below:


Now select the Co-Administrators Windows Live ID and we can see the Manage Co-admin menu at the top left corner enabled as highlighted in the screen below:


Clicking on the Manage Co-Admins button will open a pop-up requesting that we can add or remove projects (Subscriptions) to the current Co-Administrator as shown in the screen below:


Since our task is to delete the user itself we need to Uncheck the check box near to the subscription as shown in the screen below:


Once we uncheck the Check box, click on the OK button; now the process starts to delete the user. We will see the progress as shown in the screen below:


Once the process has completed (Deleted) we will see the list of the user accounts window where we will not see the currenly deleted Co-administrator as shown in the screen below.



So in this article we have seen how to delete the Co-administrator User setting and option to remove the user from the current or old subscription.