String Functions in PHP: Part 9


In this article I describe the PHP string functions md5, md5_file and metaphone. To learn some other math functions, go to:

  1. String Functions in PHP: Part1
  2. String Functions in PHP:Part2
  3. String Functions in PHP:Part3
  4. String Functions in PHP:Part4
  5. String Functions in PHP:Part5
  6. String Functions in PHP:Part6
  7. String Functions in PHP:Part7
  8. String Functions in PHP:Part8

PHP md5() Function

The PHP string md5 function calculates the md5 of a string and returns it as as a 32-character hexadecimal number or optionally in raw binary format with a length of 16.


md5(string, raw)

Parameter in md5 Function

The parameters of the md5 function are:

Parameter Description
string It specifies the string to be calculated.
raw It specifies hex or binary output.
  • TRUE - Raw 16 character binary format.
  • FALSE - Default. 32 character hex number.


An example of the md5
function is: 


$str="Mcn Solution";

echo "".$str."</br>";

echo md5($str);




PHP md5_file() Function

The PHP string md5_file function calculates the md5 of the specified file and returns a string on success or false on failure.


md5_file(string, raw)

Parameters in md5_file Function

The parameters of the md5_file function are:

Parameter Description
string It specifies the string to be calculated.
raw It specifies hex or binary output.
  • TRUE - Raw 16 character binary format.
  • FALSE - Default. 32 character hex number.


An example of the md5_file
function is: 



echo md5_file($filename);




PHP metaphone() Function

The PHP string metaphone function calculates the metaphone key of the string and returns the metaphone key on success or false on failure. A metaphone key is like a soundex key except a metaphone key is more accurate for English.


metaphone( string, length)

Parameter in metaphone Function

The parameters of the metaphone function are:

Parameter Description
string It specifies the string to check.
length It specifies the maximum length of the metaphone key.


An example of the metaphone
function is: 


echo metaphone("MCN");




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