How to Draw Circle Shape by MouseCapture Event in WPF Using F#

Today I am going to explain how you can draw a circle shape in WPF using F# through MouseCapture Event. You can also set font, color, position, width, height as well as thickness of the shape. The steps are given below.

Step 1: First open a new project in F# using Visual Studio 2010. Select the F# WPF Application template and name the project as in the following image.

New Project Dialog Box

Step 2: Now add the following given references to your project by right-clicking on your project in the Solution Explorer.

  • System

  • UIAutomationTypes

Step 3: Your Solution Explorer will look as in the following after you have added all references.

Solution Explorer

Step 4: Now click on the Program.fs file in the Solution Explorer and write the following given code in it. Your Window will look like the following given images.

Circleshape Example code1

CircleShape Example code2

CircleShape Example code3

CircleShape Example code 4

CircleShape Example code5

open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Documents
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media 
open System.Windows.Shapes
let fntfam = new FontFamily("Vardana")
let defaultPoint = new Point(0.0,0.0)
type DrwCrcls  = class
   inherit Window
   val cnvs : Canvas
   val mutable isDrawing : bool
   val mutable elps : Ellipse
   val mutable ptCntr : Point
   val mutable isDragging : bool
   val mutable elDragging : FrameworkElement
   val mutable ptMusStrt : Point
   val mutable ptElmntStrt : Point
   new () as this = {
        cnvs = new Canvas()
        isDrawing = false
        elps = null
        ptCntr = defaultPoint
        isDragging = false
        elDragging = null
        ptMusStrt = defaultPoint
        ptElmntStrt = defaultPoint } then
      this.Title <- "Circle Drawing Application in WPF using F#"
      this.Content <- this.cnvs
   override this.OnMouseLeftButtonDown (args:MouseButtonEventArgs) =
      if (this.isDragging) then
         this.ptCntr <- args.GetPosition(this.cnvs)
         this.elps <- new Ellipse()
         this.elps.Stroke <- SystemColors.WindowTextBrush
         this.elps.StrokeThickness <- 1.0
         this.elps.Width <- 0.0
         this.elps.Height <- 0.0
         this.cnvs.Children.Add(this.elps) |> ignore
         Canvas.SetLeft(this.elps, this.ptCntr.X)
         Canvas.SetTop(this.elps, this.ptCntr.Y)
         // Capture the mouse and prepare for future events
         this.CaptureMouse() |> ignore
         this.isDrawing <- true
   override this.OnMouseRightButtonDown (args:MouseButtonEventArgs) =
      if this.isDrawing then
        // Get the clicked element and prepare for future events
        this.ptMusStrt <- args.GetPosition(this.cnvs)
        this.elDragging <- (this.cnvs.InputHitTest(this.ptMusStrt) :?> FrameworkElement)
        if (this.elDragging <> null) then
          this.ptElmntStrt <- new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(this.elDragging),
          this.isDragging <- true
   override this.OnMouseDown (args:MouseButtonEventArgs) =
      if (args.ChangedButton = MouseButton.Middle) then
        let shape = (this.cnvs.InputHitTest(args.GetPosition(this.cnvs)) :?> Shape)
        if (shape <> null) then
           if ((shape.Fill :?> SolidColorBrush) = Brushes.Pink) then
              shape.Fill <- Brushes.Transparent
              shape.Fill <- Brushes.SkyBlue
   override this.OnMouseMove (args:MouseEventArgs) =
      let ptMouse = args.GetPosition(this.cnvs)
      // Move and resize the Ellipse
      if this.isDrawing then
         let dRadius = sqrt (((this.ptCntr.X - ptMouse.X) ** 2.0) +
                             ((this.ptCntr.Y - ptMouse.Y) ** 2.0))
         Canvas.SetLeft(this.elps, this.ptCntr.X - dRadius)
         Canvas.SetTop(this.elps, this.ptCntr.Y - dRadius)
         this.elps.Width <- 2.0 * dRadius
         this.elps.Height <- 2.0 * dRadius
      elif this.isDragging then
             this.ptElmntStrt.X +
             ptMouse.X - this.ptMusStrt.X)
             this.ptElmntStrt.Y + ptMouse.Y - this.ptMusStrt.Y);
   override this.OnMouseUp (args:MouseButtonEventArgs ) =
      if (this.isDrawing && (args.ChangedButton = MouseButton.Left)) then
         this.elps.Stroke <- Brushes.Pink
         this.elps.StrokeThickness <- min 24.0 (this.elps.Width / 2.0)
         this.elps.Fill <- Brushes.SkyBlue
         this.isDrawing <- false
        this.isDragging <- false
   override this.OnTextInput (args:TextCompositionEventArgs  ) =
      // End drawing or dragging with press of Escape key
      if (args.Text.IndexOf('\x1B') <> 1) then
         if this.isDrawing then
         elif this.isDragging then
   override this.OnLostMouseCapture (args:MouseEventArgs   ) =
      // Abnormal end of drawing: Remove child Ellipse
      if this.isDrawing then
         this.isDrawing <-

    let app =  Application() in
    app.Run(new DrwCrcls()) |> ignore

Step 5: Now press F5 to execute the code.


CircleShape output1

CircleShape Output2

CircleShape Output3

CircleShape Output4

CircleShape Output5

CircleShape Output6


In this article I have discussed how to draw a circle shape in WPF using F# through MouseCapture Event.

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