Azure SQL Database - Configure Job using Elastic Agents

Overview of Elastic Jobs

Azure SQL Database Elastic Jobs enables users to automate and schedule administrative tasks across multiple Azure SQL Databases. Tasks such as schema updates and user management can be efficiently handled. Elastic Jobs provides a centralized mechanism for workload management, ensuring consistency and reducing manual effort.

Elastic Jobs are very beneficial in environments with many databases, where individual management can become overwhelming.

Elastic Jobs have been there in Azure for many years in Preview. Fortunately, they went to GA recently which means you can now leverage Elastic Jobs for your production workloads.

Real-world Use Case: Automating User Creation Across SQL Databases.

Automate the process of creating/managing database scope users, custom roles, and assigning roles to users across multiple databases.

Below is a conceptual diagram that shows you the SQL DB setup for one environment, which is DEV.

SQL DB setup

User Creation Across SQL Databases: Challenges

  • Managing Multiple Databases: Keeping track of all SQL databases and ensuring the user creation process is consistent across them can be difficult.
  • Role Assignments: Assigning the correct roles to users in each database can be prone to errors if done manually.
  • Scalability: As the number of databases increases, managing user creation becomes more complex and time-consuming.
  • Azure Entra Integration: Ensuring proper synchronization between Microsoft Entra groups and SQL databases may involve technical complexities.
  • Operational Overhead: Without automation, the repetitive task of user creation across multiple databases can take up significant time and effort.
  • Auditing and Monitoring: Tracking user creation and ensuring compliance with organizational policies across databases can be challenging.

Automating User Creation Across SQL Databases: Solution

  • Centralized User Management: Use Azure Entra Groups to manage user access and roles centrally, reducing manual intervention.
  • Automation Scripts: Develop scripts T-SQL to automate user creation and role assignments across all databases.
  • Scheduled Execution: Use a scheduling tool that can connect to all the SQL Databases and run the T-SQL Scripts at a scheduled frequency.

Fortunately, Microsoft Azure has a native solution that assists in automating/scheduling the Jobs seamlessly across.

  1. Single Azure SQL Database
  2. Multiple Databases in different Subscriptions
  3. Multiple Databases in different Elastic Pools.

Before we start learning about Elastic Jobs, let’s first set up the elements to simulate the real-world infrastructure in the below pre-requisites section.


  1. Create Microsoft Entra Security Groups.
  2. Create Microsoft Entra – Security Groups db_<env>_readers and db_<env>_writers.

Below is what your Security Groups Should look like,

Security Groups

Job Database

Create an SQL Server named (az-elastic pool-common-SQL server) with an Empty Database named az-elasticpool-sqldb with Standard S1 or above. This SQL Database will be used while creating the Elastic Pool – Agent. You can create this in a Resource Group named az-elasticpool-common-rg, which is common for all Environments.

Assigning API Permissions to Managed Identity using PowerShell

  • Create A user-assigned Managed Identity named az-elastic pool-use in the az-elasticpool-common-rg resource group. This Managed Identity will be assigned to Elastic Job Agent in the later stages.
  • Provide Permissions to User Assigned Managed Identity.

Set up three Environments in three different Resource Groups. In each resource group, create one SQL Server and two Databases. Below is what the DEV RG looks like.


Below is how resources are provisioned in each resource group. Below is a reference to DEV Environment.

DEV Environment

Create Database-Scoped Users for Microsoft Entra Security Groups.

Create a User and Assign appropriate permissions in each Database using T-SQL.

Ref: Create Database-Scoped Users for Microsoft Entra Security Groups

Note. The above Database-Scoped User creation is a one-time thing that is required to provide permissions for the Elastic Job to execute the T-SQL Scripts in all the SQL Databases associated with the Target Group. Don’t confuse the above users with the users in the User Management Use Case that we are handing out in this article. In the Article reference, I have shown how to provide db_datareader and db_datawriters roles. However, you need to provide the appropriate permissions based on what the T-SQL does.

We have now completed setting up the prerequisites. It’s now time to implement the solution of automating the users in all the databases by exploring the components of Elastic Jobs and implementing them.

Elastic Jobs - Components - It’s now time to understand the components of Elastic Jobs.

Below is the Architecture Diagram from Microsoft.

Architecture Diagram

Components for elastic jobs

Below are the components for elastic jobs.

Component Description
Elastic Job Database A database in Azure SQL Database that the job agent uses to store job-related data, job definitions, etc. You need to create an Empty Azure SQL Database and choose the same while creating the Elastic Job Agent next.
Elastic Job Agent

The Azure resource you create to run and manage Jobs. While Creating the Agent.

Choose the SQL Database, which acts as the Job Database that contains all the metadata about Jobs, Job Steps, and the information about the schedule in which the Jobs would run.

Managed Identity – Select the appropriate MI that is used to run the Queries in the Target SQL Databases, which are part of the Target Group explained later.

Job & Steps A job is a unit of work that is composed of one or more job steps. Job steps specify the T-SQL script to run, as well as other details required to execute the script.
Target Group

The set of servers, pools, and databases to run a job against.

All the Scripts configured in the Job Steps will be executed in the SQL Databases selected in the Target Group. You can also specify which databases to include and exclude.

Steps for Creating Elastic Jobs and all its components

Let’s now head over to Azure Portal, create all the Elastic Jobs components, and implement a solution for our scenario discussed earlier.

Create Elastic Job Agent

Search for Elastic Job Agents and create a new Job Agent by providing the information below.

Field Value
Subscription Select any subscription
Resource Group az-elastic pool-common-rg
Elastic Job Agent Name az-elastic pool-user mgmt-job agent
SQL Server az-elastic pool-common-sql server
Job Database az-elastic pool-sqldb
Service Tier JA 100
Identity Click on the Add User assigned Managed Identity button and select the az-elasticpool-usmi

In the final step, review all the provided values and create the Elastic Job Agent resource.

Target Group

Click on the Target Group menu and click on the Create button by providing the Target Group as SQLDB-UserManagement-TargetGroup. Once the Target Group is created, we need to select the Members. Click on the Create button and then provide the information below.

Field Value
Membership Type Select Include.
Target Type Choose SQL Database. When you choose this option, you will be prompted to provide the Server name and the Database name. Provide the name of the SQL Server along the as part of the server name. Add all the databases of all the three SQL Servers of all the three environments.

Creating Elastic Job

In this step, we are going to configure Elastic Job using the information below.

Field Value
Job Name ManageUsers
Job Description This Job is used for Managing the users
Job Schedule Enable - Yes
Schedule Interval Type Once / Recurring
Start and End Time Choose based on your needs

Once the Job is created, click on the ManageUsers job and then click on the Add Job Step link to create the Job Step fill in the information below and leave all other fields as-is as they are all optional. Once filled, click on Create to create the Job Step.

Field Value
Step Name CreateUsers
SQL Script Select 1. For now, just add this Select 1 as the script. Once we test everything, we will replace this step with the real one.
Target Group SQLDB-UserManagement-TargetGroup
Execute Options – Retry Attempts 1

Now, go ahead and click on Start-Job on the Manage-User Job Agent page. The Job would fail. Let’s now learn how and where to troubleshoot the errors and solve them.

Troubleshooting: Elastic Job components log execution details, errors, and warnings in the Job Database. Use the following query to review logs.

FROM jobs.job_executions
ORDER BY start_time DESC;

Key columns to review

  • execution_status: Indicates success, failure, or in-progress status.
  • message: Provides error details or reasons for failure.
  • Target_server_name: The SQL Server name in which the Query is running
  • Target_database_name: The Database in which the Query is running.

Common Errors and Fixes

Error Message Cause Resolution
Login failed for the user Incorrect credentials Update credentials or reset passwords.
The server is not currently configured to accept this token. Microsoft Entra Authentication is not enabled in the SQLServer In the Azure SQL Server, enable Microsoft Entra ID and set Administrator
Cannot open server 'az-elasticpools-cus-prd-sqlsvr' requested by the login. The client with IP address '' is not allowed to access the server. Elastic Job is not able to access the Target SQL Server Solution 1. Add the IP Address mentioned to the Firewall Rule Solution 2: In the Networking section of SQL Server, check the “Allow Azure Services and Resources to access this services” checkbox.
Failed to determine members of SqlServerTarget Login failed for the user ' Elastic Job agent is unable to authenticate using the Managed Identity Provide Microsoft Graph Permissions as explained in the article
Command failed: The user does not have permission to perform this action. Cannot add the principal 'db_prd_readers', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. The user does not have permission to perform this action. Cannot add the principal 'db_prd_writers', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Cannot add the principal 'db_prd_writers', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Readers group user [db_prd_readers] was created and added to the db_datareader role. Creating ReadWrite Group User: db_prd_writers ReadWrite group user [db_prd_writers] created and added to db_datareader and db_datawriter roles. Users and roles have been configured successfully for the environment: PRD. The script that I’m using is to create Users which require user creation permissions. Provide the MI-appropriate permission based on what the T-SQL is performing in the database. In the case of User management, I have to give db_accessadmin

Once you have end-to-end tested the Select 1 query, you can go ahead and use the script below, which creates both users.

-- Get the current SQL Server name

-- Extract the environment prefix (e.g., "prd" from "")
SET @Env = SUBSTRING(@serverName, CHARINDEX('cus-', @serverName) + 4, 
                  CHARINDEX('-', @serverName, CHARINDEX('cus-', @serverName) + 4) - (CHARINDEX('cus-', @serverName) + 4));

-- Debug: Print the extracted environment
PRINT 'Extracted Environment: ' + ISNULL(@Env, 'NULL');

-- Construct the user names prefixed with 'db_'
DECLARE @ReadersGroup NVARCHAR(128) = 'db_' + @Env + '_readers';
DECLARE @ReadWriteGroup NVARCHAR(128) = 'db_' + @Env + '_writers';

-- Debug: Print the user names
PRINT 'Readers Group: ' + @ReadersGroup;
PRINT 'ReadWrite Group: ' + @ReadWriteGroup;

-- Declare variables for dynamic SQL

-- Create readers user if it doesn't exist
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = @ReadersGroup)
    PRINT 'Creating Readers Group User: ' + @ReadersGroup;
    SET @SQL = N'CREATE USER [' + @ReadersGroup + '] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER;';
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL;

    -- Assign db_datareader role to the readers user
    SET @SQL = N'ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [' + @ReadersGroup + '];';
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL;

    PRINT 'Readers group user [' + @ReadersGroup + '] created and added to db_datareader role.';
    PRINT 'Readers group user [' + @ReadersGroup + '] already exists.';

-- Create readwrite user if it doesn't exist
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = @ReadWriteGroup)
    PRINT 'Creating ReadWrite Group User: ' + @ReadWriteGroup;
    SET @SQL = N'CREATE USER [' + @ReadWriteGroup + '] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER;';
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL;

    -- Assign db_datareader and db_datawriter roles to the readwrite user
    SET @SQL = N'ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [' + @ReadWriteGroup + '];';
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL;

    SET @SQL = N'ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER [' + @ReadWriteGroup + '];';
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL;

    PRINT 'ReadWrite group user [' + @ReadWriteGroup + '] created and added to db_datareader and db_datawriter roles.';
    PRINT 'ReadWrite group user [' + @ReadWriteGroup + '] already exists.';

PRINT 'Users and roles have been configured successfully for environment: ' + ISNULL(@Env, 'NULL');

Differences between SQL Agent and Elastic Jobs

Feature SQL Agent Elastic Jobs
Scope On-premises or Managed Instances Azure SQL Databases
Target Single instance Multiple databases or elastic pools
Scheduling Integrated Managed through Elastic Job Agent
Deployment Local server dependencies Azure-native
Scale Limited Designed for large-scale workloads


Azure SQL Database Elastic Jobs automate and schedule tasks like schema updates and user management across multiple databases, providing a centralized mechanism for workload management. Recently moving to General Availability (GA), Elastic Jobs are ideal for environments with numerous databases.

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