Create, Clone, Browse, Restart, Stop And Delete Web App In Azure

In this article, I will discuss how to create, clone, browse, restart, stop, and delete web apps in Azure.

We can host any type of application like HTML, ASP.NET, MVC, and ASP.NET core inside the web app.


  • Microsoft Azure account.
  • Sql server management studio.


  • Create a web app.
  • Clone web app.
  • Browse web app.
  • Restart the web app.
  • Stop the web app.
  • Delete the web app.

Create Web App

Below, I will explain how to create a web app in the Azure portal.

  • Open the Azure portal and log in with the proper credentials.
  • Go to app services and click on it.
  • A new popup will come from the right-hand side.
  • Click Add.
  • Again a new popup will come from the right-hand side.
  • Click the web app, which is shown in the below figure.
    Create web app
  • Then a new popup will come.
  • In the popup, add the app name, select subscription, select resource group (create a new one or use the existing one), select OS (Operating System) as Windows, select app service plan/location, select application insights as off, and click on create which is shown in the below figure,
    Operating System
  • It will take some time to create a web app and after that, the web app will show under the app services section.

Clone Web App

Below, I will explain how to clone a web app in the Azure portal.

  • Open the Azure portal and log in with the proper credentials.
  • Go to app services and select the app service that you want to clone.
  • Go to the clone app, click on it and a new screen will come which is shown below figure.
    Open azure portal
  • In the above image, it is asking to upgrade the app service plan because I don’t have a premium app service plan.
  • To upgrade the plan, go to scale up (app service plan) and change the plan to premium.
  • If someone has a premium service plan then there is no need to change anything.
  • After changing the plan, refresh the web app and again click on clone.
  • A new screen will come from the right-hand side.
  • In the popup, add the app name, select resource group, select app service plan/location, select clone settings, select application insights, and click create which is shown in the below figure.
    A new screen
  • It will take some time to clone a web app and after that, the web app will show under the app services section which is the same as our previous app.

Browse Web App

Browse web app means it will open the URL in a new tab.

Below, I will explain how to browse a web app in the Azure portal.

  • Open the Azure portal and log in with the proper credentials.
  • Go to app services and select the app service that you want to browse.
  • Click on browse or click on URL which will open the URL in a new window which is shown in below figure.
    Click on browse

Restart Web App

Below, I will explain how to restart a web app in the Azure portal.

  • Open the Azure portal and log in with the proper credentials.
  • Go to app services and select the app service that you want to restart.
  • Click on restart.
  • A new popup will come and there it will ask, are you sure you want to restart webapp1.
  • If you press yes then it will restart the web app otherwise nothing will happen which is shown in the below figure.

Stop Web App

Below, I will explain how to stop a running web app in the Azure portal.

  • Open the Azure portal and log in with the proper credentials.
  • Go to app services and select the app service that you want to stop.
  • Click on stop which is shown in the below figure,
    Stop Web App

After the app service stops, if you browse the URL then it will say the web app is stopped which is shown below figure.


Delete Web App

Below, I will explain how to delete a web app in the Azure portal.

  • Open the Azure portal and log in with the proper credentials.
  • Go to app services and select the app service that you want to delete.
  • Click on delete which is shown in the below figure,
    Delete Web App
  • A new popup will come.
  • We need to type the app name, and after that delete button will be enabled.
  • When we click on the delete button then, the web app will be permanently deleted which is shown in the below figure,
    Delete button

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