Creating A Container Registry In Azure


This article will help you use Azure Container Services and will be helping you to create a container registry in Azure and manage your registry with access keys.

Azure Container Registry

Azure Container Registry is a managed Docker Registry service based on the open-source docker registry v2. This helps us to create and manage the private docker container images.


This article assumes that you know about Registry, Repository, Image and Container.

Make sure that you have surfed my previous articles about Azure Container Services to understand in detail what Azure Container Services are, what a Docker, is  etc.

Click here for Azure Container Services and Creating a Container Host Virtual Machine.

You have multiple ways to create this Container registry in Azure and here we will be moving with the Azure Portal.

Follow the below steps now

Step 1

Login to your Azure account

Step 2

Search the marketplace for Container registry published by Microsoft.


Step 3

Click on Create in the Container Registry Blades as shown below:


And now enter the details for creating the container registry


  • Registry Name – a unique name for your registry
  • Subscription – the subscription which you have or the one which you prefer to use
  • Resource Group – select an existing resource group or a new one as you need by just typing the name
  • Location – select an Azure data center location where the service is available.
  • Admin User – enable the admin user to access the registry.
  • Storage Account - select the default storage account or select an existing one over here.
  • Check in for dashboard – if you need you can pin it towards the dashboard.


Now the Azure Container registry gets deployed


Step 4

Go to the Azure Container registry which was created now and find access keys on settings.


This allows you to log in towards the registry and now go through the following access tokens.

  • Registry Name
  • Login Server
  • Admin User
  • User Name
  • Password

Registry Name

The registry name is the name of the registry which we have created

Login Server

This is the name which we will be using to log in to the registry.

Admin User

It allows us to enable or disable the registry’s admin user account.

User Account and Password

These are the login credentials which we will be using for logging in to the registry. You can also generate the password optionally over here

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