In this article, I am going to show how to create and deploy the LUIS Bot using Microsoft Bot Services in the Azure Portal.
Microsoft Azure Subscription. If you don't have a subscription, go to this link for
Free Trial !!!LUIS Bot
LUIS stands for "Language Understanding Intelligent Service" which offers a fast and effective way of adding language understanding to an applications. With LUIS, you can use pre-existing, world class, pre-built models from Bing and Cortana whenever they suit your purposes and when you need specialized models, LUIS guides you through the process of quickly building them. It is also part of Microsoft Cognitive Service.
Follow these steps to create the LUIS Bot
Sign into the Azure Portal.
Press NEW(+) in the Menu blade, navigate to Data+Analytics, and select Bot Service (Preview).
And then, it opens the Bot Service (Preview) blade. In that, enter the details and select "Pin to Dashboard". Then, press " Create " to create the Bot.
The successful deployment is shown in the Notification Blade and our farm bot is successfully created. When we navigate to our Bot in the DashBoard, it shows that our Bot is successfully deployed.The next step is to configure our bot.
Follow these steps to configure the Bot
Step 1After the deployment succeeds, it opens a new tab in the browser to create App ID and password for our Bot. Click "Create Microsoft App ID and Password ".
Step 2Then, it generates the App ID. Now, press "Generate an app password to continue".
Step 3After it's pressed, it shows the password. Copy that on the clipboard and click "OK".
Step 4Then, hit the "Finish and go back to Bot Framework" option. This will take you back to the LUIS Bot in the Azure portal.
Step 5Now, paste your password in the Bot Framework and choose your language.
Step 6I have selected "C#" here to Develop our bot with this language.
Step 7Scroll down and choose the Bot Template. Then, choose the "Language Understanding" template for your Bot
Step 8Agree to the terms and conditions and then click "Create bot".
Step 9This section is to configure our bot with the LUIS website to integrate our settings to that website. So, choose "sign in" to sign in with your account and select "continue" to the Azure portal. By this step, we may use our bot outside the portal accessing the LUIS website.
Step 10It opens the workspace for the LUIS bot on the left side; it shows the files that are included in our bot. Press "Test" on the right corner to test your bot.
I hope you have understood how to create the LUIS Bot using Micosoft Azure Bot Services.