Deploying An Azure web app


One of the most popular Azure services that allows us to host our web applications in Azure is Web Apps. It may even host a backend service like a WCF Service or Web APIs in addition to a User Interactive application. We may take advantage of Microsoft Azure's strength by using Web Apps to create multifunctional, incredibly scalable, highly secure, and easily accessible internet- or intranet-based apps.

Without needing to install, set up, and maintain your own Azure virtual servers, Azure Web Apps offers a robust foundation for building an app in Azure. Using diverse languages like ASP.NET, PHP, Node.js, and Python, we may create any type of online application.

Web Apps Features

Auto Scale

In its SLA for web apps, Azure claims 99.95 percent availability. We may scale out or scale up the web apps instances to handle the load in order to provide consumers with a flawless experience even during periods of heavy demand. Additionally, based on measurements like CPU %, RAM utilization, etc., we may set up auto-scale to web apps.

Supported Language

Applications created with ASP.Net and other languages and frameworks are supported by web apps. Java, PHP, Python, Net Core, and Node.js.

Numerous programming languages and frameworks are supported by the Azure web apps; among of the most popular ones are ASP.NET, Java, ASP.NET Core, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, PHP, and Python. One can also use PowerShell and other specific scripts or executables as background services.


We can improve the functionality of online applications by integrating user identity provider services. Azure AD can be used, for instance, to keep track of a user database, authenticated login, and authorization.

The security level is very good because the Azure app service meets with security standards like ISO, SOC, and PCI. In addition, users or clients can access their accounts using Microsoft, Facebook, Google, or Twitter accounts, as well as Azure Active Directory.

Deploying an Azure Web App

Step 1

Click + add to search the web app.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 2

Search the web apps services and select the web apps from the marketplace.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 3

Enter your name for the URL, select the publisher, Code/ Docker Container/ Static Web App, select the runtime stack, operating system and region.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 4

In the SKU and Size, click change size and select the pricing tier as per our requirement in this demo. I am choosing B1, click apply and click next for deployment.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 5

In the deployments tab we can enable GitHub action to deploy our application. In this demo, I am going to skip this option, because I chose PHP. Click next to network configuration.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 6

In the web apps service, Microsoft introduced a new feature called networking (Preview).

If we enable this feature, we can be provisioned with the inbound address being public to the internet or isolated to an Azure virtual network.

In this demo I select enable network injection as off.

Click next to monitor.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 7

If we want to enable the application insights, we can chose enable application insights as yes. But in this demo it is disabled, because I chose PHP.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 8

Click review + create to deploy the web apps service.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 9

We have successfully deployed the Azure web apps service.

Deploying an Azure web app

Step 10

Copy the URL and paste it to the browser.

Deploying an Azure web app


In this article, we learned how to create an Azure web apps service, in our next article we will learn how to modify the web apps services.

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