Heroku is a cloud platform that allows us to host our applications made on different programming platforms like
NodeJS, Java, Ruby, PHP, Python, .Net etc.
Today we are going to demonstrate how to deploy a nodejs application on Heroku. Heroku provides free account use which you can host maximum of 5 application, beyond which you need to purchase special account on it. The sample node js application that I would be using in this article is the one that I created in the
blog. Please have a look at that as well. You need to install heroku ToolBelt in order to work on it on your system, Also you need to install GIT on your system because heroku works coupled with git.
Before starting, you must create a heroku account on the
Also, you need to add a file - Procfile to the root of your project. This file contains a one line code having information as to which file should the application start with. As in our case the file name is app.js, so the Procfile code is,
web: node app.js
So,now that we have our application handy, lets start deploying
Step 1
Open cmd and reach to the directory location of your project. We need to make this folder as a git repository. In order to do this type the command: git init. This will turn the current folder location to a git repository.
Step 5
This step is now to create an application on heroku. Now you can either provide a name of the application from yourself or you can just leave it to heroku to decide a random name of the application and provide it to you.
In case you want to provide your own application name than use the command:
heroku create nameofapp
If you want heroku to decide an app name for you than use the command:
heroku create.
Step 6 Now we are left with a final step to push our files to the server, this will be achieved by using the command: git push heroku master. This command will move all the changes to the server.
You can see in the sreenshot above that after the final deployment, you are provided with a url (highlighted), using which you can access your application.