How to Download the Plugin Registration Tool using Power Platform Tools in Visual Studio Code?


A plug-in is a custom business logic that integrates with Microsoft Dynamics CRM to modify or extend the standard behavior of the platform. Plugins are mostly written in C# language and can be registered at various events like Create, Read, Update, Delete, or on other messages and can run either in Synchronous or Asynchronous mode.

In one of my earlier articles, I explained about downloading the Plugin Registration Tool using Power Shell.

In this article will explain the other way of downloading the Plugin Registration Tool using Visual Studio Code and Power Platform Tools.


Follow the articles below and Install the Visual Studio Code and Power Platform Tools in VS Code.

  1. How to Install Visual Studio Code?
  2. How do you install Power Platform Tools in Visual Studio Code?

Follow the below steps after the Prerequisites.

Step 1. Open Visual Studio Code.

Visual studio code

Step 2: Press Ctrl + Shift + P to Show all the commands.

Terminal commands

Step 3: Search for the Text “Show PAC Help” and Click on Power Platform CLI: Show PAC Help.

PAC Help

The terminal will be opened with the pac help command to see the list of all pac syntax.

PAC Syntax

Step 4: Type the below command and click on Enter.

pac tool prt


Plugin Registration Tool is downloaded.

Plugin registration tool

And it will be launched automatically.

Launched automatically

Plugin Registration Tool will be downloaded to the Local AppData folder.

You can check the same using the below link.



I hope you have successfully downloaded the Plugin Registration Tool using the Visual Studio Code and Power Platform Tools.

Please like and share your valuable feedback on this article.

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