How To Increase OST Limit In Outlook O365 And Fix Hanging Issue


In this article, I have taught how you can increase OST file size in Outlook office 365. By default, the OST file size can grow as large as 50 GB in office 365, but around 47.5 GB, Outlook will stop working. There are a few ways to avoid OST getting full one is to prevent downloading shared mailboxes in Outlook, start an Online Archive, or merge both. We need to add a new value in the registry to increase the OST file size. I have done clear steps for creating the registry.

Step 1

Open Regedit as admin.

How To Increase OST Limit In Outlook O365 And Fix Hanging Issue

Step 2

Following the path


Step 3

Select PST and Create 2 new DWORD 32-bit values

-MaxLargeSize should be 100 GB = 102400

-WarLargeSize should be 95 GB =97280

How To Increase OST Limit In Outlook O365 And Fix Hanging Issue

Step 4

Select OST Key If not found you can create an following the steps Key named should be OST

How To Increase OST Limit In Outlook O365 And Fix Hanging Issue

Step 5

Select OST and Create 2 new DWORD 32-bit values


-MaxLargeSize should be 100 GB = 102400

-WarLargeSize should be 95 GB =97280

How To Increase OST Limit In Outlook O365 And Fix Hanging Issue

Step 6

Once the configuration restarts the PC


This article taught us how to fix mailbox limitations. If you have any questions, please contact me.


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