Integrating the GitHub on the Azure DevOps


Integrating GitHub with Azure DevOps, we can continue to use GitHub as our source code repository while taking advantage of Azure Pipelines' robust CI/CD features.

Our development workflow is streamlined by this integration, which also makes it possible for teams working on different platforms to collaborate more effectively.

Step 1. Open the Azure DevOps portal using the URL, select the Organization, and select the Project.

Azure DevOps

Step 2. Select the Project settings.

Select project setting

Step 3. Select the Service connections under the Pipelines.

Service connection

Step 4. Click the Create Service Connection.

New service connection

Step 5. In the New Service Connection, select GitHub and click Next.


Step 6. Select the Personal Access Token and go to the GitHub tokens URL using URL.

Personal access token

Step 7. On the GitHub portal, on the Generate new Token, select Generate new Token (Beta).

Personal access token

Step 8. Enter the name of the Token and click Generate Token.

New fine grained personal access token

Step 9. Copy the Token.

Copy access token

Step 10. Paste the Token and click the Verify button.

Github service connection

Step 11. Enter the Service connection name, select Grant access permission to all pipelines, and then click Verify and Save.

Grant access permission

Step 12. The GitHub is successfully integrated with the Azure DevOps portal.

Service connections


In this article, we learned how to integrate GitHub into our DevOps portal. Once we integrate GitHub, we can create the Pipeline using GitHub repositories. In our next article, we will focus on creating the Pipeline using Azure Repos and GitHub Repos.

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