Introduction To JScript.NET


We have been hearing the announcement from Microsoft right from PDC2000 that they have realized new languages, viz. C#, VB.NET and JScript.NET. This article of mine is going to introduce you to JScript.NET.

Jscript's association with the ECMAScript standard has helped its success considerably; this has led to a close compatibility with JavaScript. The most dramatic impact on performance in JScript.NET is that it is a true compiled language, which makes it possible to achieve performance comparable to that of C# and Visual Basic. NET. As JScript is a part of .NET, it automatically benefits from all the goodies .NET offers.

.NET ships with a compiler for JScript.NET called jsc Jscript can be compiled as a .exe or a .dll (default). Jscript can also be used in ASP.NET pages and create web services by specifying " Language=JScript".

Creating a Simple .exe using JScript Hello.js

// Copy this line in a file Hello.js
// Compile it as jsc /exe Hello.js to produce Hello.exe
print("Hello From Jscript Exe");

Creating a Simple Class in Jscript. Class.js

// Copy in a file Class.js
// Compile it as jsc /exe Class.js to produce Class.exe
class Class1 {
    sayHi() {
        return "Hi from JScript Class";
var o = new Class1();

A Bit of OOPS in JScript.NET. class1.js

// Copy in a file Class1.js
// Compile it as jsc /exe Class1.js to produce Class1.exe
class Class1 {
    sayHi() {
        return "Hi from JScript Class";
class c2 extends Class1 {
    constructor() {
        super(); = ""; // variable of type string
    get fname() { // property get (accessor)
    set fname(newName) { // property set (mutator) = newName;
var o = new c2();
o.fname = "Manish";

Creating a Simple WebService in JScript.NET. JSweb.asmx

<%@ WebService Language="JScript" Class="MyJS" %>
import System.Web.Services;
class MyJS extends WebService {
    function sayHi() : String {
        return "Hi from a JScript.NET web service";

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