Server Side Pagination using ASP.NET Core and Angular 8 - Part Three


In this article, we will learn how to create server-side paging, which is very useful whenever we have to display a large number of records.
This will come in a total of 3 articles. This article is the last part of it, you can check out the first and second parts by clicking on the below links.
In the second part, we have implemented a previous and next button. Here in this last part, we are sorting our data on click on headings in ascending and descending order.
So here, we are displaying the number of records. With that, it will calculate the number of pages, but in one page we can see only the selected records, so rather than fetching all the records at one time, we are going to fetch records based on pages. This will increase our performance.

How will it work?

In Part 2, we were working on the Prev and Next button and their logic. Here we are sorting the records based on ascending and descending order, so when we click on the header column name it will get the related number of records in order by column name.


We will do the back-end code using the SQL server.
In the first part, we already have created database and tables, so no need to create it again. However, we will make a small change in the stored procedure. So we are sorting the data ascending or descending after we click on table headings on the screen. For that, I am using the case so that it will manipulate records according to column name.
  1. USE [Company]  
  2. GO  
  3. /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[Usp_GetAllCompanies]    Script Date: 1/17/2020 11:05:09 PM ******/  
  5. GO  
  7. GO  
  8. ALTER Proc [dbo].[Usp_GetAllCompanies]  
  9.  @PageNo INT ,  
  10.  @PageSize INT ,  
  11.  @SortOrder VARCHAR(200)  
  12. As  
  13. Begin  
  15.     Select * From   (Select ROW_NUMBER() Over (  
  16.     Order by   
  17.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'CompanyName_ASC' THEN CompanyName  
  18.         END ASC,  
  19.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'CompanyName_DESC' THEN CompanyName  
  20.         END DESC,   
  21.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'City_ASC' THEN City  
  22.         END ASC,  
  23.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'City_DESC' THEN City  
  24.         END DESC,   
  25.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'State_ASC' THEN [State]  
  26.         END ASC,  
  27.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'State_DESC' THEN [State]  
  28.         END DESC,   
  29.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'Owner_ASC' THEN [Owner]  
  30.         END ASC,  
  31.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'Owner_DESC' THEN [Owner]  
  32.         END DESC,   
  33.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'Year_ASC' THEN PublishYear  
  34.         END ASC,  
  35.     CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'Year_DESC' THEN PublishYear  
  36.         END DESC  
  38.     ) AS 'RowNum', *  
  39.          from   [CompanyDetails]  
  40.         )t  where t.RowNum Between ((@PageNo-1)*@PageSize +1) AND (@PageNo*@pageSize)  
  42. End   


This is a stepwise process where we are going to change some of the code in some files without wasting any time adding components and services.
Step 1
Let's copy this HTML code and replace it to the pagination.html file. Some change compared to the previous part of the code. Here we are adding a new click event called "sortByHeading". By default, it will fetch the records with company Name in ascending order. If we click that same heading, it will again hit the API and fetch the records in descending order.
Also, I am applying CSS for the heading color, so if you click on a different header, then it will fetch the records based on that header name in ascending order and active color will apply to that particular header.
  1. <div class="row">    
  2.   <div class="col-12 col-md-12">    
  3.     <div class="card">    
  4.       <div class="card-header">    
  5.         <div class="row">    
  6.           <div>    
  7.             Companies 1-{{pageSize}} (Total:{{totalCompaniesCount}})    
  8.           </div>    
  10.           <div style="margin: auto;" class="add-row add-row-rel top-paging">    
  11.             <span class="cpp">Companies per page:</span>    
  12.             <a (click)="setRecPerPage(small)" [ngClass]="smallPageRow? 'active':'mr-2'">{{small}}</a>    
  13.             <a (click)="setRecPerPage(medium)" [ngClass]="mediumPageRow? 'active':'mr-2'">{{medium}}</a>    
  14.             <a (click)="setRecPerPage(large)" [ngClass]="largePageRow? 'active':'mr-2'">{{large}}</a>    
  15.           </div>    
  16.         </div>    
  18.       </div>    
  19.       <div class="card-body position-relative">    
  20.         <div class="tbl-note-dentist">    
  21.           Sort list by select <span>table headers</span>, click again to reorder    
  22.           ascending/descending    
  23.         </div>    
  24.         <div class="table-responsive cnstr-record companie-tbl">    
  25.           <table class="table table-bordered heading-hvr">    
  26.             <thead>    
  27.               <tr>    
  28.                 <th style="cursor: pointer;" [ngClass]="order =='CompanyName'? 'headActive':''"    
  29.                   (click)="sortByHeading('CompanyName')" width="80">Company Name.</th>    
  30.                 <th style="cursor: pointer;" [ngClass]="order =='City'? 'headActive':''"    
  31.                   (click)="sortByHeading('City')" width="75">City</th>    
  32.                 <th [ngClass]="order =='State'? 'headActive':''" style="cursor: pointer;"    
  33.                   (click)="sortByHeading('State')">State    
  34.                 </th>    
  35.                 <th [ngClass]="order =='Owner'? 'headActive':''" style="cursor: pointer;" (click)="sortByHeading('Owner')"    
  36.                   width="75">CEO    
  37.                 </th>    
  38.                 <th [ngClass]="order =='Year'? 'headActive':''" style="cursor: pointer; width:250px"    
  39.                   (click)="sortByHeading('Year')">Publish Year</th>    
  40.               </tr>    
  41.             </thead>    
  42.             <tbody>    
  43.               <tr *ngFor="let item of companies">    
  44.                 <td>{{item.CompanyName}}</td>    
  45.                 <td>{{item.City}}</td>    
  46.                 <td>{{item.State}}</td>    
  47.                 <td>{{item.Owner}}</td>    
  48.                 <td>{{item.PublishYear}}</td>    
  50.               </tr>    
  51.             </tbody>    
  52.           </table>    
  55.         </div>    
  56.         <!-- Code by pagination -->    
  57.         <div class="container mw-100">    
  58.           <div class="row">    
  59.             <div class="col-md-3"> </div>    
  60.             <div *ngIf="companies !=0" class="col-md-6">    
  61.               <ul class="pagination justify-content-center">    
  62.                 <li class="page-item">    
  63.                   <a (click)="showPrevCompanies()"    
  64.                     [ngClass]="(paginationService.showNoOfCurrentPage ==1)?'notAllowed':'page-link'"    
  65.                     style="margin-top: 5px; margin-right: 20px;cursor: pointer;">Prev</a></li>    
  66.                 <li *ngFor="let page of pageField;let i=index" class="page-item">    
  67.                   <a (click)="showCompaniesByPageNumber(page,i)" [ngClass]="pageNumber[i] ? 'pageColor':'page-link'"    
  68.                     style=" margin-right: 5px;;margin-top: 5px;cursor: pointer;">{{page}}</a>    
  70.                 </li>    
  71.                 <li class="page-item"><a (click)="showNextCompanies()"    
  72.                     [ngClass]="(paginationService.disabledNextBtn)?'notAllowed':'page-link'"    
  73.                     style="margin-top: 5px;margin-left: 20px; cursor: pointer;">Next</a> </li>    
  74.               </ul>    
  75.               <div style="text-align: center;">    
  76.                 Page {{currentPage}} of Total page {{paginationService.exactPageList}}    
  77.               </div>    
  78.             </div>    
  79.           </div>    
  80.         </div>    
  81.       </div>    
  82.     </div>    
  83.   </div>    
  84. </div>   
Step 2
There are some changes in CSS file, so just replace this code with pagination.component.css
  1. @charset "utf-8";     
  2. /* CSS Document */    
  3. @media all{    
  4.     *{padding:0px;margin:0px;}    
  5. div{vertical-align:top;}    
  6. img{max-width:100%;}    
  7. html {-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;}    
  8. body{overflow:auto!importantwidth:100%!important;}    
  9. html, body{background-color:#e4e5e6;}    
  10. html {position:relativemin-height:100%;}    
  13. .card{border-radius:4px;}    
  14. .card-header:first-child {border-radius:4px 4px 0px 0px;}    
  16. /*Typekit*/    
  17. html, body{font-family:'Roboto'sans-seriffont-weight:400font-size:13px;}    
  18. body{padding-top:52px;}    
  20. p{font-family:'Roboto'sans-serifcolor:#303030font-weight:400margin-bottom:1rem;}    
  21. input, textarea, select{font-family:'Roboto'sans-serif;}    
  23. h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-family:'Roboto'sans-seriffont-weight:700;}    
  24. h1{font-size:20pxcolor:#000000margin-bottom:10px;}    
  25. h2{font-size:30px;}    
  26. h3{font-size:24px;}    
  27. h4{font-size:18px;}    
  28. h5{font-size:14px;}    
  29. h6{font-size:12px;}    
  31. .row {margin-right:-8pxmargin-left:-8px;}    
  32. .col, .col-1, .col-10, .col-11, .col-12, .col-2, .col-3, .col-4, .col-5, .col-6, .col-7, .col-8, .col-9, .col-auto, .col-lg, .col-lg-1, .col-lg-10, .col-lg-11, .col-lg-12, .col-lg-2, .col-lg-3, .col-lg-4, .col-lg-5, .col-lg-6, .col-lg-7, .col-lg-8, .col-lg-9, .col-lg-auto, .col-md, .col-md-1, .col-md-10, .col-md-11, .col-md-12, .col-md-2, .col-md-3, .col-md-4, .col-md-5, .col-md-6, .col-md-7, .col-md-8, .col-md-9, .col-md-auto, .col-sm, .col-sm-1, .col-sm-10, .col-sm-11, .col-sm-12, .col-sm-2, .col-sm-3, .col-sm-4, .col-sm-5, .col-sm-6, .col-sm-7, .col-sm-8, .col-sm-9, .col-sm-auto, .col-xl, .col-xl-1, .col-xl-10, .col-xl-11, .col-xl-12, .col-xl-2, .col-xl-3, .col-xl-4, .col-xl-5, .col-xl-6, .col-xl-7, .col-xl-8, .col-xl-9, .col-xl-auto {padding-right:8pxpadding-left:8px;}    
  34. .card-header{background-color:#f0f3f5border-bottom:1px solid #c8ced3font-size:13pxfont-weight:600color:#464646text-transform:uppercasepadding:.75rem 8px;}    
  37. .cnstr-record th{white-space:nowrap;padding:.45rem .2rem; font-size:13pxborder-bottom-width:0px!important;}    
  38. .cnstr-record thead{background:#f0f3f5;}    
  40. .cnstr-record .form-control{font-size:13pxpadding:0px 0rem 0px 0.2rem; height:calc(2rem + 2px);}    
  41. .cnstr-record select.form-control{padding-left:.05rem;}    
  42. .cnstr-record .table td, .cnstr-record .table th {vertical-align:middle;}    
  43. .cnstr-record .table td{padding:.3rem;}    
  44. .cnstr-record .table td h4{margin:0px;}    
  46. .wp-50{width:50px;}    
  47. .wp-60{width:60px;}    
  48. .wp-70{width:70px;}    
  49. .wp-80{width:80px;}    
  50. .wp-90{width:90px;}    
  51. .wp-100{width:100px;}    
  52. .mw-auto{min-width:inherit;}    
  53. .expand-row{width:100%border:solid 1px #596269display:inline-block; border-radius:3pxwidth:16pxheight:16pxvertical-align:topbackground:#596269color:#ffffff!important;}    
  54. .expand-row img{vertical-align:topposition:relative; top:2px;}    
  55. .sub-table th{font-weight:400font-size:12px;}    
  56. .sub-table td{background:#efefef;}    
  57. .no-bg td{background:inherit;}    
  58. .mw-100{max-width:100%;}    
  62. .activeTabColor{  
  63.     color#fff;  
  64.     background-color#000000;  
  65. }   
  66. .page-item:first-child .page-link {  
  67.     margin-left0;  
  68.     border-top-left-radius: .25rem;  
  69.     border-bottom-left-radius: .25rem;  
  70. }  
  72. .pageColor{  
  73.     positionrelative;  
  74.     displayblock;  
  75.     padding: .5rem .75rem;  
  76.     margin-left-1px;  
  77.     line-height1.25;  
  78.     colorwhite!important;  
  79.     background-colorblack!important;  
  80.     border1px solid #dee2e6;  
  81. }  
  82. .notAllowed{  
  83.     positionrelative;  
  84.     displayblock;  
  85.     padding: .5rem .75rem;  
  86.     margin-left-1px;  
  87.     line-height1.25;  
  88.     color#007bff;  
  89.     background-color#fff;  
  90.     border1px solid #dee2e6;  
  91.     cursor: not-allowed;  
  92. }  
  93. .page-link {  
  94.     positionrelative;  
  95.     displayblock;  
  96.     padding: .5rem .75rem;  
  97.     margin-left-1px;  
  98.     line-height1.25;  
  99.     color#007bff;  
  100.     background-color#fff;  
  101.     border1px solid #dee2e6;  
  102. }  
  104. .mr-2{  
  105.     background-color#007bff;  
  106.     colorwhite!important;  
  107.     margin5px;  
  108.     padding5px;  
  109.     cursorpointer;  
  110. }  
  111. .active{  
  112.     background-colorblack;  
  113.     colorwhite!important;  
  114.     margin5px;  
  115.     padding5px;  
  116.     cursorpointer;  
  117. }  
  118. .headActive{  
  119.     colorred;  
  120. }  
  122. }      
Step 3
Copy the below code and replace it with pagination.component.ts sortByHeading method.
  1. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';  
  2. import { ApiService } from './api.service';  
  3. import { PaginationService } from './pagination.service';  
  4. import { CompaniesPerPage } from './CompaniesPerPage';  
  6. @Component({  
  7.   selector: 'app-pagination',  
  8.   templateUrl: './pagination.component.html',  
  9.   styleUrls: ['./pagination.component.css']  
  10. })  
  11. export class PaginationComponent implements OnInit {  
  13.   companies = [];  
  14.   pageNo: any = 1;  
  15.   pageNumber: boolean[] = [];  
  16.   sortOrder: any = 'CompanyName_ASC';  
  17.   order:any='CompanyName';  
  18.   //Pagination Variables  
  19.   //Page Row variables  
  20.   smallPageRow: boolean = true;  
  21.   mediumPageRow: boolean = false;  
  22.   largePageRow: boolean = false;  
  24.   small = CompaniesPerPage.small;  
  25.   medium = CompaniesPerPage.medium;  
  26.   large = CompaniesPerPage.large;  
  28.   pageField = [];  
  29.   exactPageList: any;  
  30.   paginationData: number;  
  31.   companiesPerPage: any = CompaniesPerPage.small;  
  32.   orderBy: string='Asc';  
  34.   totalCompanies: any;  
  35.   totalCompaniesCount: any;  
  36.   currentPage = 1;  
  38.   constructor(public service: ApiService, public paginationService: PaginationService) { }  
  40.   ngOnInit() {  
  41.     this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  42.     this.paginationService.temppage = 0;  
  43.     this.getAllCompanies();  
  44.   }  
  45.   getAllCompanies() {  
  46.     this.service.getAllCompanies(this.pageNo, this.companiesPerPage, this.sortOrder).subscribe((data: any) => {  
  47.       this.companies = data;  
  48.       this.getAllCompaniesCount();  
  49.     })  
  50.   }  
  51.   getAllCompaniesCount() {  
  52.     this.service.getAllCompaniesCount().subscribe((res: any) => {  
  53.       this.totalCompaniesCount = res;  
  54.       this.totalNoOfPages();  
  55.     })  
  56.   }  
  58.   //Method For Pagination  
  59.   totalNoOfPages() {  
  61.     this.paginationData = Number(this.totalCompaniesCount / this.companiesPerPage);  
  62.     let tempPageData = this.paginationData.toFixed();  
  63.     if (Number(tempPageData) < this.paginationData) {  
  64.       this.exactPageList = Number(tempPageData) + 1;  
  65.       this.paginationService.exactPageList = this.exactPageList;  
  66.     } else {  
  67.       this.exactPageList = Number(tempPageData);  
  68.       this.paginationService.exactPageList = this.exactPageList  
  69.     }  
  70.     this.paginationService.pageOnLoad();  
  71.     this.pageField = this.paginationService.pageField;  
  73.   }  
  74.   showCompaniesByPageNumber(page, i) {  
  75.     this.companies = [];  
  76.     this.pageNumber = [];  
  77.     this.pageNumber[i] = true;  
  78.     this.pageNo = page;  
  79.     this.currentPage =page;  
  80.     this.getAllCompanies();  
  81.   }  
  83.   //Pagination Start  
  85.   showPrevCompanies() {  
  87.     if (this.paginationService.showNoOfCurrentPage != 1) {  
  88.       this.paginationService.prevCompanies();  
  89.       this.pageNumber = [];  
  90.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  91.       this.currentPage = this.paginationService.pageField[0];  
  92.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  93.     }  
  95.   }  
  97.   showNextCompanies() {  
  99.     if (this.paginationService.disabledNextBtn == false) {  
  100.       this.pageNumber = [];  
  101.       this.paginationService.nextCompanies();  
  102.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  103.       this.currentPage = this.paginationService.pageField[0];  
  104.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  105.     }  
  106.   }  
  107.   sortByHeading(value: string, id) {  
  108.     this.companies = [];  
  109.     this.sortOrder = value;  
  110.     this.order =value;  
  111.     if (this.orderBy == "Desc") {  
  112.       this.orderBy = "Asc"  
  113.       this.sortOrder =this.sortOrder+'_ASC';  
  114.     } else {  
  115.       this.orderBy = "Desc";  
  116.       this.sortOrder =this.sortOrder+'_DESC'  
  117.     }  
  118.     this.getAllCompanies();  
  119.   }  
  121.   setRecPerPage(noOfRec) {  
  123.     this.companies = [];  
  124.     this.pageNumber = [];  
  125.     this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  126.     this.paginationService.temppage = 0;  
  127.     if (noOfRec == CompaniesPerPage.small) {  
  128.       this.smallPageRow = true;  
  129.       this.mediumPageRow = false;  
  130.       this.largePageRow = false;  
  131.       this.companiesPerPage = noOfRec;  
  132.       this.currentPage = 1;  
  133.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  134.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  136.     }  
  137.     else if (noOfRec == CompaniesPerPage.medium) {  
  138.       this.smallPageRow = false;  
  139.       this.mediumPageRow = true;  
  140.       this.largePageRow = false;  
  141.       this.companiesPerPage = noOfRec;  
  142.       this.currentPage = 1;  
  143.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  144.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  146.     } else {  
  147.       this.smallPageRow = false;  
  148.       this.mediumPageRow = false;  
  149.       this.largePageRow = true;  
  150.       this.companiesPerPage = noOfRec;  
  151.       this.currentPage = 1;  
  152.       this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  153.       this.getAllCompanies();  
  155.     }  
  156.     //this.pageSize = page;  
  157.   }  
  158. }   
Step 6
This file pagination.service.ts file is the same, no changes needed here, but I am still mentioning it for reference.
  1. import {  
  2.     Injectable  
  3. } from '@angular/core';  
  4. import {  
  5.     CompaniesPerPage  
  6. } from './CompaniesPerPage';  
  7. @Injectable()  
  8. export class PaginationService {  
  9.     //Pagination Variables    
  10.     pageNumberPerPage = 0;  
  11.     pageNumberShow = CompaniesPerPage.displayNoOfPagesPerPage;  
  12.     temppage: number = 0;  
  13.     disabledNextBtn: boolean;  
  14.     disabledPrevBtn: boolean = true;  
  15.     pageField = [];  
  16.     exactPageList: any;  
  17.     prevtrue: boolean;  
  18.     nexttrue: boolean;  
  19.     currentPage = 1;  
  20.     pageNumber: boolean[] = [];  
  21.     showNoOfCurrentPage: any = 1;  
  22.     showPageOnlyOntabsChange: boolean = true;  
  23.     lastPage: any = 0;  
  24.     constructor() {}  
  25.     // On page load    
  26.     pageOnLoad() {  
  27.         if (this.temppage == 0) {  
  28.             this.pageField = [];  
  29.             for (var a = 0; a < this.pageNumberShow; a++) {  
  30.                 this.pageField[a] = this.temppage + 1;  
  31.                 this.temppage = this.temppage + 1;  
  32.                 if (this.exactPageList == this.pageField[a]) {  
  33.                     for (var b = 0; b < this.pageNumberShow - 7; b++) {  
  34.                         if (a == b) {  
  35.                             this.temppage = this.temppage - (b + 1);  
  36.                             this.prevtrue = false;  
  37.                             break;  
  38.                         }  
  39.                     }  
  40.                     this.disabledNextBtn = true;  
  41.                     break;  
  42.                 } else {  
  43.                     this.disabledNextBtn = false;  
  44.                 }  
  45.             }  
  46.         }  
  47.     }  
  48.     prevCompanies() {  
  49.         this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  50.         this.nexttrue = true;  
  51.         if (this.showNoOfCurrentPage != 1) {  
  52.             this.disabledNextBtn = false;  
  53.             this.showNoOfCurrentPage = this.showNoOfCurrentPage - 1;  
  54.             if (this.prevtrue) {  
  55.                 if (this.lastPage == 0) {  
  56.                     this.temppage = this.temppage - 10;  
  57.                     this.prevtrue = false;  
  58.                 } else {  
  59.                     this.temppage = this.lastPage;  
  60.                     this.nexttrue = false;  
  61.                     this.prevtrue = false;  
  62.                     this.lastPage = 0;  
  63.                 }  
  64.             }  
  65.             for (var a = this.pageNumberShow - 1; a >= 0; a--) {  
  66.                 this.pageField[a] = this.temppage;  
  67.                 this.temppage = this.temppage - 1;  
  68.             }  
  69.             if (this.temppage == 0) {  
  70.                 this.showPageOnlyOntabsChange = false;  
  71.             }  
  72.             this.currentPage = this.pageField[0];  
  73.         }  
  74.     }  
  75.     nextCompanies() {  
  76.         if (this.disabledNextBtn == false) {  
  77.             this.disabledPrevBtn = false;  
  78.             this.pageField = [];  
  79.             this.prevtrue = true;  
  80.             this.showNoOfCurrentPage = this.showNoOfCurrentPage + 1;  
  81.             this.pageNumber[0] = true;  
  82.             if (this.nexttrue) {  
  83.                 this.temppage = this.temppage + 10;  
  84.                 this.nexttrue = false;  
  85.             }  
  86.             for (var a = 0; a < this.pageNumberShow; a++) {  
  87.                 this.pageField[a] = this.temppage + 1;  
  88.                 this.temppage = this.temppage + 1;  
  89.                 if (this.exactPageList == this.pageField[a]) {  
  90.                     this.lastPage = this.pageField[a];  
  91.                     this.lastPage = this.lastPage - (a + 1);  
  92.                     for (var b = 0; b < this.pageNumberShow - 7; b++) {  
  93.                         if (a == b) {  
  94.                             this.temppage = this.temppage - (b + 1);  
  95.                             //this.prevtrue = false;    
  96.                             break;  
  97.                         }  
  98.                     }  
  99.                     this.disabledNextBtn = true;  
  100.                     break;  
  101.                 } else {  
  102.                     this.disabledNextBtn = false;  
  103.                 }  
  104.             }  
  105.             this.currentPage = this.pageField[0];  
  106.         }  
  107.     }  
  108. }  
The coding part is done, now its time to check the output by using the command ng serve -o.


This article wraps up the complete series of server-side pagination. I explained how to display a selected number of records per page and a next and previous button by applying different approaches and sorting the data using a click on the header using Angular 8 and ASP.NET.
This is part 3 of server-side pagination.
This is the last part, so in the next article, we are going to learn new things.
Time for some motivational quotes...
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started".
Last but not least, your feedback is very important so that I get a chance to improve myself. For that, I need your valuable comments. Good comments I will take as motivation and negative comments as the impetus for me to improve. Please let me know if you liked and understood this article and how I could improve it.
For any questions about this article regarding code or something, please leave a comment.