ShieldAI - Azure Powered Content Safety for Protected Material Detection


This article will instruct you on constructing and analyzing text content using Protected Material text detection. It also verifies whether the text content is detected as Protected Material or not.


  1. Azure Subscription.
  2. Azure AI Content Safety resource with keys and endpoint.

Protected Material Text Detection

Protected material text detection scans AI-generated text for known text content for example: song lyrics, articles, recipes, and selected web content. This feature can be used to identify and block known text content from being displayed in output content. Currently, this feature is in preview for English only.

Region Availability

Protected material text detection is available in the East US and West Europe Azure regions.

Analyze Text for Protected material detection

Step 1. Click Protected material detection from the content safety studio window.

Studio window

Case 1. Protected Material Detection Using Simple Test Option

Step 2. Click the Run a Simple Test option and then choose the Protected Lyrics option from the screen.

Simple test

Step 3. Look at the content in the Test option and then click the Run Test button.

 Test button

Step 4. Now let's check whether text content is detected as Protected material or not. In this case there is a Protected material has been detected shown in the figure.

Protected material

Step 5. Click the Protected Recipes option from the window and let's check whether content is protected material has been detected or not.

Protected Recipes

Step 6. Look at the content in the Test option and then click the Run Test button.

Run Test

Step 7. In this case there is a Protected material has been detected shown in the figure.

View result

Case 2. No Protected Material Detection using Simple Test Option

Step 1. Click the Run a Simple Test option and then choose the Protected lyrics option from the screen.

 Lyrics option

Step 2. Look at the content in the Test option and then click the Run Test button.


Step 3. Now let's check whether text content is detected as Protected material or not. In this case there is no Protected material has been detected shown in the figure.


Case 3. Protected Material Detection using bulk test

Step 1. Click Run a Bulk test from the window.

Step 2. Choose the dataset of protected materials option.


Step 3. You can notice that label 1 means there is protected material detection for the text content and label 0 means there is no protected material detection for the text content.


Step 4. Click the Run Test button.

Step 5. In the View Results section 50% of content detected protected material and 50% of content no protected material.

View Results


In this article, we successfully learned and analyzed text content for detecting protected material. We verified the presence of protected material within the text through various scenarios, such as protected lyrics and recipes. These scenarios were assessed using both simple and bulk testing methods.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article!

Happy Learning and see you soon in another interesting article!!

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