SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint

Report deployment in SharePoint

Here is a sample SSRS report with below items,
  • Data source - Pointing to SharePoint List Named as SharePoint_Source.rds
  • Share Dataset - Fetching data from SharePoint List named as Sample_Shared_Dataset
  • Report - Sample_SSRS_Report.rdl


SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint


Sample Report Preview

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint 

There are two ways to deploy the report in SharePoint.

  1. Deployment from BIDS
  2. Manual Deployment to SharePoint

Manual Deployment to SharePoint

This deployment is used when a developer is deploying a single report or dataset to the SharePoint.

For example, consider an SSRS project solution with 20 reports which Is already deployed in SharePoint. Now, a developer has done some changes in one report to update those changes in SharePoint. They can use this method to upload that single report to SharePoint.

We have a report named as Sample_2.rld with one shared dataset.

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint 

As a first step navigate to the report folder in SSRS_Report_Folder APP in SharePoint -> click New Document

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint 

Browse and select the sample_2.rdl from the file system and click OK. 

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint 

Click "Save" to deploy the report.

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint 

If a user deploys the report in SharePoint manually, then the user must map the data source and Shared data for that report manually.

Click "Manage Data Sources".

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint 

Click "SharePoint_source".

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint 

Map the data source in the report with a shared data source which is already deployed in SharePoint.

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint
If that report is pointing to any shared dataset, this means the user must map that dataset too.

Go to Manage Shared Datasets".

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint 

Shared dataset shows warning because no dataset is mapped to that. So, the users have to map a dataset to that.

SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint
Click "Sample_Shared_dataset".
SSRS Manual Deployment And Configuration In SharePoint
Finally, our report is deployed successfully.