TypedArray in ES7 and TypeScript

JavaScript TypedArray objects provide a fascinating way to work with binary data buffers. In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of TypedArray and its various types, and methods, and how you can leverage it using the ES7 features and TypeScript for a more structured approach.

TypedArray in ES7

In ES7, TypedArray objects remain a cornerstone for handling binary data efficiently. Let's explore the types and their characteristics:

  1. Int8Array

    • Size: 1 byte
    • Description: 8-bit two's complement signed integer.
    • Value Range: -128 to 127
  2. Uint8Array

    • Size: 1 byte
    • Description: 8-bit two's complement signed octet.
    • Value Range: 0 to 255.
  3. Uint8ClampedArray

    • Size: 1 byte
    • Description: 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet.
    • Value Range: 0 to 255.
  4. Int16Array

    • Size: 2 bytes
    • Description: 16-bit two's complement signed integer.
    • Value Range: -32768 to 32767.
  5. Uint16Array

    • Size: 2 bytes
    • Description: 16-bit unsigned integer.
    • Value Range: 0 to 65535.
  6. Int32Array

    • Size: 4 bytes
    • Description: 32-bit two's complement signed integer.
    • Value Range: -2147483648 to 2147483647.
  7. Uint32Array

    • Size: 4 bytes
    • Description: 32-bit unsigned integer.
    • Value Range: 0 to 4294967295.
  8. Float32Array

    • Size: 4 bytes
    • Description: 32-bit IEEE floating-point number unrestricted float.
    • Value Range: 1.2x10^-38 to 3.4x10^38.
  9. Float64Array

    • Size: 8 bytes
    • Description: 64-bit IEEE floating-point number unrestricted double.
    • Value Range: 5.0x10^-324 to 1.8x10^308.

JavaScript TypedArray Methods in ES7

ES7 introduces several TypedArray methods, enhancing the manipulation and processing capabilities:

  • copyWithin(): Copies a portion of an array to another location.
  • entries(): Returns an Array Iterator object with key/value pairs.
  • every(): Tests if all elements satisfy a given condition.
  • fill(): Fills elements with a static value within a specified range.
  • filter(): Forms a new array based on a given criteria.
  • find(): Retrieves the value of the first element meeting a condition.
  • findIndex(): Provides the index of the element satisfying a given test.
  • forEach(): Calls a function for each element.
  • includes(): Determines whether an element is present in the array.

TypedArray in TypeScript

Now, let's explore how TypeScript enhances the TypedArray usage, providing a more structured and statically-typed approach.

class CustomTypedArray<T extends number> {
    private buffer: ArrayBuffer;
    private view: DataView;

    constructor(length: number) {
        this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(length);
        this.view = new DataView(this.buffer);

    setValue(index: number, value: T): void {
        this.view.setInt8(index, value);

    getValue(index: number): T {
        return this.view.getInt8(index) as T;

In this TypeScript example, we've created a CustomTypedArray class that allows setting and getting values at specific indices, providing type safety for numeric values.


The JavaScript TypedArray, with its array-like view of binary data buffers, continues to be a vital asset in modern web development. As we explored its various types and methods, we witnessed the versatility it brings to handling binary data efficiently. With the advent of ES7, the TypedArray methods have evolved, providing developers with powerful tools for array manipulation, iteration, and conditional filtering. These additions enhance the language's capabilities, making it more robust and versatile for handling complex data structures.

Furthermore, TypeScript adds an extra layer of sophistication to the TypedArray paradigm. By introducing static typing and structured classes, TypeScript enables developers to create more maintainable and error-resistant code when working with binary data. Whether you choose to embrace the latest features in ES7 or opt for the enhanced type safety of TypeScript, the JavaScript TypedArray stands as a cornerstone for efficient binary data processing. It not only empowers developers to work seamlessly with binary data but also aligns with the evolving landscape of modern web development, where performance and reliability are paramount.

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