Working With Windows Admin Center In Microsoft Azure


Microsoft Azure has another new feature called Windows Admin Center (preview). We can manage our virtual machine through the Windows Admin Center (preview) in the Azure portal. We can manage operating system functions from the Azure portal as well as work with files in the VM without using Remote Desktop or PowerShell. This feature is only available for Windows Server 2016 and Server 2019.

In this article, we are going to learn an overview of the Windows Admin Center (preview), and the functionality of the Windows Admin Center (preview).

Step 1

In the Azure portal, select the Virtual Machine that you want to enable the Windows Admin Center (preview), in the selected Virtual machine you can find the Windows Admin Center (preview), under the Settings.

Click Windows Admin Center (preview), and then click on the Install to start the Windows Admin Center configuration.

Step 2

Now the Windows Admin Center (preview) has been successfully deployed, select the Public IP address in the dropdown menu and then click on Connect.

Step 3

Now you have to enter your Virtual Machine's Username and the password to Sign In.

Step 4

On the Overview page, you can find the Virtual machine configuration.

Step 5

If we want to create a new firewall rule or change the firewall rules we can select the Firewall.

Step 6

If we want to run the PowerShell script, we can select the PowerShell and run the commands.

Step 7

If you want to access the Virtual Machine’s Desktop we can select the Remote Desktop option and enter the Username and Password and then click on Connect.

Now we can able to access our Virtual Machine without using the Remote Desktop tool.

Step 8

In this demo, we are going to learn how to install Web Server using the Roles & Features using the Windows Admin Center.

Step 9

Select the Web Server and click on + Install.

Step 10

In the Install Roles and Features confirmation, select Yes to continue the installation.

Step 11

The Web Server has been successfully installed in our Virtual Machine.

Step 12

We can copy the Public IP address from the virtual machine and paste it to the browser, now we can see the IIS Windows Server landing page.

Step 13

If you want to upload your custom website, we can choose Files & File sharing.


In this article, we have learned how to enable Windows Admin Center (Preview), and some key features, if you have any questions feel free to comment under the article.

IFS R&D International (Private) Limited
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