Constructor Call in Inheritance

In almost all interviews, interviewer had a common question

If a Class A inherits B and B inherit C and if I will create object of A or C then in what is order will constructor fire.

I had developed a simple mechanism for clearing confusion on this so that at interview time we don't stress on this question.

I had created hierarchy of a traditional Indian family “Grandfather->Father->Son” and implement this on c#

So I had declare three classes :

Grandfather - Superior class

Father - Inherited by Grandfather.

Son - Inherited By father

namespace InheritanceTest
    class InheritanceExample
        static void Main()
            Son _son=new Son();
    class GrandFather
        public GrandFather()
            Console.WriteLine("I am Grandfather");
    class Father : GrandFather
        public Father()
            Console.WriteLine("I am father");  
    class Son:Father
        public Son()
            Console.WriteLine("I am Son");
So now when I create object of Son although it's object of son but due to our social values we give highest regard to our grandfather and then to our father and what remain is for son. So Output of this program is:

I am Grandfather

I am father

I am Son

So we can conclude that whenever we are creating object of child class the first constructor will fire is the topmost class (In our case Grandfather) in his hierarchy and so on(father-> Son)