Dynamically Adding Height & Width to Image Source in ASP.NET


Recently, I was working on a project in which there was a scenario in which I had to add height and width of an image to its source.

I have done it by two methods which are given below:

First Method

In this method, I have the used the jQuery. Following is my scenario:

I have the following html code taken from texteditor:

  1. <p>Hi all<strong>This is nimit</strong>,</p>  
  2. <p><img src="http://localhost:27014/uploads/Images/download.jpg" alt="" /></p>  
  3. <p>come</p>  
  4. <p><img src="http://localhost:27014/uploads/Images/Keynote.jpg." alt="" /></p>  
  5. <p>Thanks</p>  

Now I have to change the source of image and add height and width to its source with handler. For that, the following jQuery code is useful and easy:

  1. var img = tinymce.get('my_editor').getContent();  
  2. var ImageMessage = tinymce.get('my_editor').getContent();  
  4. var srcUrl;  
  6. $(img).find('img').addBack().filter('img').each(function () {  
  7.     var newSrc = jQuery(this).attr('src');  
  8.     srcUrl = jQuery(this).attr('src') +  
  9.        '.ashx?width=' +  
  10.     150 +  
  11.     '&height=' + 150;  
  12.     jQuery(this).attr('src', srcUrl);  
  13.     ImageMessageImageMessage = ImageMessage.replace(newSrc, srcUrl);  
  14. });  

Now “ImageMessage” have the refined source html.

Second Method

In this method, I have installed the “HtmlAgilityPack” from Package Manager Console from the following code:

Install-Package HtmlAgilityPack -Version 1.4.8

We have following html code:

  1. string input = @"<p>Hi all<strong>This is nimit</strong>,</p><p><img src='http://localhost:27014/uploads/Images/download.jpg' alt="" /></p><p>come</p><p><img src='http://localhost:27014/uploads/Images/Keynote.jpg.' alt="" /></p><p>Thanks</p>";  

Now I have to change the source of image and add height and width to its source with handler. For that, the following csharp code is useful and easy:

  1. private string ConvertImagePathToRelative(string input)  
  2. {  
  3.     string h = string.Empty;  
  4.     var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();  
  5.     htmlDoc.LoadHtml(input);  
  7.     foreach (HtmlNode node in htmlDoc.DocumentNode  
  8.                                     .SelectNodes("//img[@src and (@width or @height)]"))  
  9.     {  
  10.         var src = node.Attributes["src"].Value.Split('?');  
  12.         node.SetAttributeValue("src",  
  13.                                 src[0] +  
  14.                                 string.Format(".ashx?width=150&height=150"));  
  15.         h = h + node.OuterHtml;  
  16.         var src1 = node.Attributes["src"].Value.ToString();  
  17.         input = input.Replace(src[0].ToString(), src1);  
  18.     }  
  19.     return input;  
  20. }  

That’s it for this blog.


So far in this blog we have jQuery and HtmlAgilityPack to add height and width to its source of any image or multiple images. Thanks for reading.