Get Navigation TermStored and Navigation TermStoreId for a Web Using PowerShell

I was working with managed navigation for a web site. I needed to get the navigation termstore and navigation termset ids for the web site. We had a choice to hard-code these parameters or to get it as a user input. But we can easily get these values from the SPWeb object properties. Following PowerShell function would return a custom PowerShell object with these properties. 
  1. function GetNavigationInfo  
  2. {  
  3.     param(  
  4.         [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0ParameterSetName="web",   
  5.                    ValueFromPipeline=$true,   
  6.                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,  
  7.                    HelpMessage="The SPWeb object to get navigation information for")]          
  8.                    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb]$web  
  9.         )  
  10.         $NavXML = $web.Properties["_webnavigationsettings"];  
  11.         #write-host $NavXML -foreground yellow  
  12.         [xml]$file =[xml]$NavXML          
  13.         $xmlProperties = $file.WebNavigationSettings.SiteMapProviderSettings.TaxonomySiteMapProviderSettings|where {$ -eq "CurrentNavigationTaxonomyProvider"}  
  14.         $NavInfo = @{  
  15.             TermStoreId = $xmlProperties.TermStoreId  
  16.             TermSetId = $xmlProperties.TermSetId              
  17.         }  
  18.     return $NavInfo  
  19. }  
  1. $web = Get-SPWeb <weburl here>  
  2. $NavInfo = GetNavigationInfo($web);  
  3. $TaxSession = Get-SPTaxonomySession -Site $web.Site    
  4. $TermStore = $TaxSession.TermStores[$NavInfo.TermStoreId]  
  5. $TermSet = $TermStore.GetTermSet($NavInfo.TermSetId)