Highlights of Modern SharePoint Web Parts - Part 2


Hi guys, Let's continue with Part 2 to learn more about all the List of Modern Web Parts in a quick glance by just going through the One-liners. It's a one-stop blog for a complete overview of all the Modern Web Parts to use them more easily for projects. This Blog has Part 2 Content only. Check for the previous Blog Part 1.
List Properties - To display the List Properties in an Intelligent way for smart presentations.

Markdown - To add Text, Tables, Links and Images to the Modern Page.

Microsoft Forms - To organize Quizzes, Surveys, Pollings to collect Responses or Show Results.

Microsoft PowerApps - To display a Customized PowerApps preview promoting smart usage.

News - To display Recent News as per the selected scope wise in different layouts promoting Modern Publishing options.

Office 365 video - To display Office 365 Portal Videos only promoting Modern Publishing and Presentation options.

Page properties - To display the Modern Page Properties promoting Modern Presentation options.

People - To display People's Profiles like Key Contacts, Leaders, Award Winners, Organization Members promoting Modern Presentation options.

Power BI - To present PowerBI reports generated from https://app.powerbi.com/ promoting Modern BI using Data Sets from Local/OneDrive/ODFB/Team Sites only.

Quick chart - To quickly generate Pie/Bar Graphs for Smart Presentations from a Modern List.

Quick links - To quickly present Multiple links to multiple Pages external and internal with Icons that includes Images promoting Modern Publishing.

Recent Documents - To present All Recent Documents through the selected scope Hub/All sites/Within the Site etc.

Site activity - To quickly present all Site-related Activities with number of items adjusted using a Slider.

Sites - To present All Hub Sites/Frequent Sites used/Selected Sites in the Layouts like Filmstrip/Grid/Compact, etc.

Spacer - To make Spacing between Modern WPs promoting Effective Modern Space Management on Modern Pages.

Stream - To quickly present the Uploaded videos from https://web.microsoftstream.com by selecting the Source: All Stream/Single Video/Channel.

Twitter - To quickly show Tweets from a User/Curated Collection with additional options to adjust Header, Dividers, Theme color, Number of Tweets, etc.

Weather - To display Current Weather conditions on the Page for selected Places in Fahrenheit/Celsius promoting Smart Presentations.

World clock - To show the Current Time & Date for the added Locations across the Globe with various Date formats to select.

YouTube - To Embed Code or Direct Youtube Link for a Playlist/Single Video on the Page promoting Modern Presentation.