How To Configure The State Service Application

In this blog, I will guide you through the steps of creating an import Service Application called State Service. A lot of SharePoint Components require this Service Application to store the status.

There are two ways to create the State Service Application.
  • Central Admin ( Using Farm Configuration Wizard).
  • Use PowerShell.

Farm Configuration Wizard

  1. Login on Central admin with the farm admin account with the Local admin on the Server.
  2. On the Central Administration Web site, click Configuration Wizards.
  3. On the Configuration Wizards page, click Launch the Farm Configuration Wizard.

  4. On the first page of the Farm Configuration Wizard, click Start the Wizard.14
  5. On the Services configuration page, proceed with the following.

    • In Service Accounts, either select the one from the list or use the new one.
    • in the Services section, select the State Service check box.1516

  6. Click Next.
  7. Once it completes, it will ask you to create a new Site collection. Skip this and you are ready to proceed.

Create via Powershell

  1. Launch SharePoint PowerShell console.
  2. Please login with the farm admin account
  3. Run the command, mentioned below
    1. $serviceApp = New-SPStateServiceApplication -Name "StateService-App"  
    2. New-SPStateServiceDatabase -Name "SS-Database" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp  
    3. New-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy -Name "StateService-App" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp -DefaultProxyGroup