How to do WSP Deployment in SharePoint

Hello Readers,

Irrespective of SharePoint Admins in a project, we developers sometimes land up in situation where we have to deploy our own wsp. So don’t worry if you don’t know how to do it if ur admin is not in with you.

The following are the commands you will require to deploy a wsp file.

  • To add a solution, run this script.
    Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath “Your wsp location”.wsp

  • To install the solution, run this script
    Install-SPSolution -Identity “Name of your solution”.wsp -GACDeployment -allwebapplications

  • To uninstall the solution, run this script
    UnInstall-SPSolution -Identity “Name of your solution”.wsp -allwebapplication

  • To remove the solution, run this script
    remove-SPSolution -Identity “Name of your solution”.wsp

  • Lastly to update some fixes, run this script
    Update-SPSolution -Identity “Name of your solution”.wsp -LiteralPath “Your wsp location”.wsp –GACDeployment
    commands to help you to achieve your deployment. Keep learning.
Cheers !