How to Fix the issue IE 8 Printing issues in Standard Mode

As we all know that IE is most commonly used browser by our clients.
 I am facing IE printing issue from so many days and after lot of R&D. I came at conclusion that there is not permanent solution of printing issue.
 What is exact issue in IE8 printing?
 If I have three radio button and I selected two one and click on print option then In print out first radio button is selected automatically. This issue is only in IE8.
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7,9" />
 Add above meta tag in master file. I am working in MVC so I added in Layout.cshtml.
 What exactly above meta tag do?

 It change the browser document mode to IE8 to IE7 programmatically. User never face any issue in printing. I know this is not proper solution but this is a best way out.
 I put comma 9 in meta tag because I do not want to change the browser document mode of IE9, IE10 to IE7.