How to increase the performance of Web Page

We can increase the performance of a web page from the client side as well as from the  server side.

Client side Technique

  1. Give alt and dimension of images without fail for each image in your page.
  2. Implement the leverage browser caching.
  3. Use CSS sprite.
  4. Use only optimized image in web page.
  5. Use CDN media server for images, CSS, Javascript and media file like .SWF.

Optimization Techniques in SQL

  1. Avoid heavy bulky SQL queries. Instead of heavy queries use a View and a Stored Procedure.
  2. Avoid using Triggers whenever possible.
  3. Temporary table takes more resources than table variable. Hence we should avoid using Temporary table and use table variable.
  4. Use Union All instead of Union.
  5. Avoid the DISTINCT keyword.
  6. Cursors should be replaced with a correlated sub-query if a row-by-row operation is required.
  7. Avoid a Having clause.
  8. Avoid using Count(*). Provide the column names in the SELECT statement.
  9. Restrict your query result with Where Clause.
  10. Avoid a large number of joins.
  11. Avoid complicated joins whenever possible.
  12. Avoid de-normalizations.