Steps to put your Database File in Windows Form Project

It's a project to demonstrate how to put your database file in window form project.


  • Firstly create a database using SQL Server.
  • Let we create a database named “employee”.
  • Create a table in this database.
  • Detach it form SQL Server.
  • Create a “Window Form Application Project” having a “grid view” and “button”.
  • Button is use to programmatic binding table with grid view.
  • Now “Right click” on Project file in solution explorer click on Add>>existing items.


Add your database form folder “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data” in your project it will also generate “EmployeeDataSet.xsd” file having three supported files:

  1. EmployeeDataSet.Designer.cs
  2. EmployeeDataSet.xsc
  3. EmployeeDataSet.xss

Now Double click on button to generate method and in button1_click method specify:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    employeeDataSet.empDataTable empdatatable = new employeeDataSet.empDataTable();

    employeeDataSetTableAdapters.empTableAdapter empta =           new DatabaseIncludingProject.employeeDataSetTableAdapters.empTableAdapter();


     dataGridView1.DataSource = empdatatable;


It will bind employee table with gridview.