Three Tier Architecture vs MVC Architecture


In this blog, we look at the difference between three-tier architecture and MVC.

Comparison of Three Tier Architecture vs MVC Architecture

  • Three-tier architecture never communicates directly to the data access layer, in three-tier architecture all the data communication must pass through the middle tier.
  • That's why the three-tier architecture is linear.
  • Three-tier is nothing but Presentation Layer which is present UI related things, a business logic layer that contains all the calculation, logic related parts, and last Data Access Layer(Model).
  • But in MVC Architecture is triangular.
  • The view sends updates to the controller, the controller updates the model, and then view directly gets updates from the model.
  • MVC contains Model (Data), View (UI), and Controller (Logic).

Three Tier Architecture Diagram

Three Tier Architecture Vs MVC Architecture 

MVC Architecture Diagram

Three Tier Architecture Vs MVC Architecture
I hope you will understand the difference between three-tier architecture vs Model View Controller. If you have any queries, let me know so I can answer your query.