Rohit Gupta
What are Basic Operators in Java?
By Rohit Gupta in Java on Sep 09 2019
  • Vijay Kumari
    Sep, 2019 9

    Operators are an integral part of programming language. Operators are classified and listed according to precedence order. Operators are generally used to manipulate primitive data types. Operators are classified and listed according to precedence order. Java operators are generally used to manipulate primitive data types.

    We can classifiy the basic Operators in the following categories:

    1. Assignment Operator
    2. Arithmetic Operators
    3. Relational Operators
    4. Unary Operators
    5. Logical Operators
    6. Conditional(Ternary) Operators
    7. InstanceOf Operator
    8. Bitwise Operators

    For a detailed tutorial on Java Operators , visit

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