Related resources for Win32 API
  • Changing Display Settings Programmatically8/29/2023 7:10:21 AM. Learn how to change display settings (resolution, bits, rotation, etc.) via C# and Win32 API.
  • Programmatically Swapping Mouse Buttons10/28/2020 1:27:51 AM. In this article we will learn how to swap mouse buttons programmatically - to make the left button acts as the right and vice versa.
  • Printing Directly to the Printer5/21/2020 4:45:47 AM. Using this code enables you to print directly to the printer using WIN32 api calls and therefore should enable you to print at maximum speed rather than relying in the Windows Printing subsystems.
  • Creating Custom Window In Win325/31/2016 2:30:29 AM. In this article we will create a black colored customized window in Win32 API-C/C++.
  • Handling Deadlock in Code Using Mutex2/1/2014 12:09:34 PM. This article exlains what a mutex is and how to use them.
  • Calling WinINet API from VB.NET : Part 212/1/2012 4:19:36 AM. This is an API which connects with the remote server . After connecting it brings the files to your local disk without the “Save to Disk” dialogue box . Please contact the author for any problems.
  • Printing Directly to the Printer in VB.NET11/10/2012 3:40:10 AM. Using this code enables you to print directly to the printer using WIN32 api calls and therefore should enable you to print at maximum speed rather than relying in the Windows Printing subsystems. Additionally I have added code to show how to send PCL codes to the printer.
  • Animate with Pocket PC in VB.NET11/10/2012 3:11:14 AM. This article discusses programming for a Pocket PC in general. If you are lucky enough to get the Smart Devices Extensions you will finally be able to target devices.
  • Tutorial: Capturing and Running IE Instances in a Windows control9/29/2012 6:16:03 AM. In this article we are going to study how to find the running instances of Internet Explorer on your machine.
  • Locating Windows Owned by Other Process and Changing Window Title in C#8/11/2012 12:45:19 PM. Manipulate another process's windows from your program using the Win32 API.
  • Moving a Form without the Title Bar5/13/2012 5:57:37 AM. In this article, learn how to to allow the user to move the form without its title bar.
  • Clearing the Console Screen using API 2/11/2011 12:42:03 AM. Learn how to clear the Console screen using Win32 API calls. Also learn additional techniques like how to clear a specific portion of the screen or to move it.
  • Working with Win32 API in .NET2/3/2006 5:01:00 AM. Windows exposes lots of functionality in the form of Win32 API. Using these API you can perform direct operation in windows, which increases performance of your application.
  • C# and API12/30/2005 1:50:35 AM. API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of commands, which interfaces the programs with the processors.
  • Coloring the Console in C# 12/26/2005 12:57:22 AM. When working with console applications in C#, you always see a black and white screen. What if we want to change the background color of the console? We can change the foreground and background color of our console application by using win32 API SetConsoleTextAttribute().
  • Getting Official DayTime using NIST TimeServer12/7/2005 3:25:40 AM. This program shows how to create a simple socket to a NIST timeserver (Port 13) and using the Daytime Protocol, gets the official time.