Chapter 1: SQL Query Performance Tuning

Posted by Apress Free Book | SQL Server 2005/2008 January 26, 2010
Query performance tuning is an important part of today's database applications. Often you can achieve large savings in both time and money with proper query performance tuning

Performance vs. Price

One of the points I touched on earlier is that to gain increasingly small performance increments, you need to spend increasingly large amounts of time and money. Therefore, to ensure the best return on your investment, you should be very objective while optimizing performance. Always consider the following two aspects:

  • What is the acceptable performance for your application?
  • Is the investment worth the performance gain?

Performance Targets

To derive maximum efficiency, you must realistically estimate your performance requirements. You can follow many best practices to improve performance-for example, you can have your database files on the most efficient disk subsystem. However, before applying a best practice, you should consider how much you may gain from it and whether the gain will be worth the investment.

Sometimes it is really difficult to estimate the performance gain without actually making the enhancement. That makes properly identifying the source of your performance bottlenecks even more important. Are you CPU, memory, or disk bound? Is the cause code, data structure, or indexing, or are you simply at the limit of your hardware? Be sure you can make these possibly costly decisions from a known point rather than guessing. A practical approach can be to increase a resource in increments and analyze the application's scalability with the added resource. A scalable application will proportionately benefit from an incremental increase of the resource, if the resource was truly causing the scalability bottleneck. If the results appear to be satisfactory, then you can commit to the full enhancement. Experience also plays a very important role here.

"Good Enough" Tuning

Instead of tuning a system to the theoretical maximum performance, the goal should be to tune until the system performance is "good enough." This is a commonly adopted performancetuning approach. The cost investment after such a point usually increases exponentially in comparison to the performance gain. The 80:20 rule works very well: by investing 20 percent of your resources, you may get 80 percent of the possible performance enhancement, but for the remaining 20 percent possible performance gain, you may have to invest an additional 80 percent of resources. It is therefore important to be realistic when setting your performance objectives.

A business benefits not by considering pure performance but by considering price performance. However, if the target is to find the scalability limit of your application (for various reasons, including marketing the product against its competitors), then it may be worthwhile investing as much as you can. Even in such cases, using a third-party stress test lab may be a better investment decision.

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