shaju antony

shaju antony

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Facebook authentication getting blocked in chrome

Apr 29 2015 2:04 AM

Hi Everyone,

facebook login (authentication) form is getting blocked in google chrome(not all the time, sometime) and please have a look on

html content for fb

<a href='javascript:void(0);' id='facebook'><img src='fblogimage'></a>

in .js file  $("#facebook").click(function () { Facebook.authenticate(function () { Login.hidePopup(); }); });  
---  Facebook.authenticate = function (callback)  {      FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) { if (response.status === 'connected') { // -- success process } else { 				FB.login(function (loginResponse) { if (loginResponse.status === 'connected') { Facebook.setUserName(); Facebook.fbApi(loginResponse, callback); } }, {  scope: 'user_friends, publish_stream, email, user_location, user_mobile_phone' }); } }); }
please help 

Answers (1)