Introduction to Proposed System

Tourism has now become one of the most promising industries in the world and so Tourism Management Systems have become increasingly popular. People are now more and more dependent on such systems.

“Tourism Management System for Pakistan” is a project to guide tourists from their starting location to their destination. This application will enable tourists not only to find the shortest path but also update them about various locations along the way, like hotels, mosques, transport services and rest points. This application will rovide the current temperature of the destination city.

google image

Analysis Phase

  • Use Case Diagrams

    The following is a partial use case context diagram:

    use case diagram

                                                                                     Use Case


    Use Case

    Scope: Tourism Management System for Pakistan.

    Level: user goal.

    Primary Actor: Tourist (User).

    Stakeholders and Interests:

      -Tourist: Wants accurate navigation, place suggestion, transport information and full travel guidance of the desired city.

      - Admin: Requests feedback from users of city places and suggests places depending on it.

    Preconditions: Admin is identified and authenticated.

    Success Guarantee (or Post conditions): Feedback is saved. Places scores correctly. Calculated. Place scores are updated.

    Main Success Scenario (or Basic Flow):

    • User starts the application and selects a city.

    • A menu will be displayed that is described in Use Case diagram.

    • If the user selects a destination then the system will show a path from the user's current position to his/her destination.

    • If the user selects a suggested place then the system will show him/her places baed on previous calculated scores that comes from Admin where the scores will be saved.

    • If the user selects a Weather Forecast, the system will show him/her the forecast of the desired city.

    • On selecting Transport Information, the system would show the carriers, their schedules and charges.

    • On selecting a City Calendar, the system would show the city's local festival dates and locations where the festivals are held.

  • System Sequence Diagram

    SSDs are derived from use cases; they show one scenario.

    System Sequence Diagram
Designing Phase

Logical Architecture/Package Diagram.
  • Package Diagram for one iteration.

    Interaction Diagram

    Example Sequence Diagram: Get route.

    Sequence Diagram

  • Object Lifelines and Object Destruction

    Object Lifelines

  • Class Diagram:

    class diagram

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