In this article, I explain how to do a backup and restore using an SQLCMD and T-SQL command prompt.
It's one of the most important responsibilities for DBAs. It works across all supported operating systems, whether they are 64-bit or 32-bit systems. A backup scenario in SQL Server is copying the data from a SQL Server database and creating a backup file. A restore scenario in SQL Server is restoring data from one or more backups and then recovering the database.
Using Command Prompt - SQLCMD
Now click Start, click Run, type CMD in the Run dialog box, and then click OK then a black window is opened.
For a backup, enter the following in the SQLCMD window.
Sqlcmd -E -S touch -Q" BACKUP DATABASE [Testing] TO DISK = 'D:\BACKUP\Testing. BAK'"
To restore, use the following in the SQLCMD window:
Sqlcmd -E -S touch -Q" RESTORE DATABASE [Testing] FROM DISK = 'D:\BACKUP\Testing. BAK'"
SQLCMD is the newest, fanciest command-line interface for SQL Server.
[-E trusted connection]
[-S server]
[-Q "CMD line query" and exit]
Using T-SQL- For backup
For restore
Types of SQL Server Backups
The various types of backups that you can create are as follows-
- Full backups
- Differential backups
- File backups
- File group backups
- Partial backups
- Copy-Only backups
- Mirror backups
- Transaction log backups
This article taught us about Backup and Restored Using Command Prompt - SQLCMD and T-SQL.
I will explain in my next article the types of backups and how to create backups and restores.