Debug Angular In VS Code


This article will demonstrate how to debug Angular in VS Code and then give some general discussion on debugging in VS Code.

Angular is a great front-end framework for web apps. Angular is usually edited in Visual Studio Code editor. Their powers combined let you not only develop Angular app code but also debug it through the editor! We will introduce the Angular debugging in VS code in this article with an example.

VS Code is also a great source code editor for various language families, such as PHP, Ruby, Go, C#, Python, C++, PowerShell, TypeScript, React, Vue, and many others, and the debugging method introduced here will work for all other languages.

Debug Angular in VS Code

We use VS Code v1.53 to set up debugging for Angular.

  • Create an Angular application;
  • Install Debugger for Chrome (you could install other debuggers you like)
  • Configure Debug Environment;
  • Start Debugging;

1. Create an Angular application

We use the Angular CLI to create projects,

  1. npm install -g @angular/cli // Install the Angular CLI
  2. ng new my-app // Create a new Angular app
  3. cd my-app // change to the app directory
  4. code. // Open VS Code for the current directory

2. Install Debugger for Chrome

In VS Code environment: Left Click Manage (Left Bottom Corner) > Extensions (or Ctrl+Shift+X).


Open the Extensions view. Then type 'chrome' in the search box. You'll see the extensions: Debugger for Chrome.


Press the Install button for Debugger for Chrome.

3. Configure Debug Environment

In the VS Code environment: Click the Run Button on the left side (or Ctrl+Shift+D).

Debug icon

If running and debugging are not yet configured (no launch.json has been created), VS Code shows the Run start view.

Debug Window

You can configure the environment by creating launch.json the file yourself manually, but you can do that automatically by Clicking the Run and Debug button to open the Select Environment dialog box.

Debug Environment

Select Chrome. Then VS Code will create a launch.json


You might need to change the port to what your app is running on, say, 4200.

4. Start Debugging

Now, in VS Code, if you Click the Run Button on the left side (or Ctrl+Shift+D), you will have a debugging environment like this,

Debugging diagram

Run the app from the Angular CLI (very important, otherwise, the debugging will not work) by command.

ng server -o

You will see the app running.


Now, set your breakpoint, and run the debug.

Launch Program

Once a debug session starts, the Debug toolbar will appear on the top of the editor.

Debug Actions

  • Continue / Pause F5
  • Step Over F10
  • Step Into F11
  • Step Out Shift+F11
  • Restart Ctrl+Shift+F5
  • Stop Shift+F5

The debug session is on like this



We demonstrated how to debug Angular in VS Code in this article. The method introduced here will work for all other languages that the VS Code editor supports.


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