Animation in CSS3


Css3 uses  @keyframes rule for the animation. Specify a CSS style inside the @keyframes rule ,the animation will gradually change from the current style to the new style.

<style type="text/css">
animation: one 10s;
-webkit-animation:one 10s; /* Safari and Chrome */
-moz-animation:one 10s; /* Firefox */

@keyframes one
0%   {background:red;}
25%  {background:gray;}
50%  {background:orange;}
100% {background:white;}

@-moz-keyframes one /* For Mozilla  Firefox */
0%   {background:red;}
25%  {background:gray;}
50%  {background:orange;}
100% {background:white;}
@-webkit-keyframes one /* Safari and  Google Chrome */
0%   {background:red;}
25%  {background:gray;}
50%  {background:orange;}
100% {background:white;}

<p><b>Note:</b>My Name is Mahak Gupta </p>
<p><b>Note:  Internet Explorer and Opera do not yet support the @keyframes or the animation property.
</b> </p>




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