SQL Server Profiler

Microsoft SQL Server Profiler is an interface manage trace and replay trace solutions. I have used Microsoft SQL Server 2014
Find out underlined main menu tool and click,
Some menu listed and click the SQL Server profiler then display one pop-up for connection and continue,
Displayed track properties have some options we can give name for trace name ,trace provider name and trace provider type
Besides tick button for save to file ,save to table and enable trace stop time for trace particular time then click run button.
Execute automatically and SQL Server Profiler for the Analysis Services of database engine. Using these windows, We will get the detailed time duration of a query and all other events information that we have selected.
Microsoft SQL Server Profiler is an interface manage trace and replay trace solutions. Events are saved in a trace file for diagnose database engine problem.Save this result for future. We can extract particular query from the trace, just right click and click on Extract Event Data and save this as a SQL Script.

we can catch our database engine performance each event to saved to file and fine solution later our development team easily solution for slow running queries ,problem for queries and other database engine errors are clearly find out in each events.

Event classes are:  Audit Login,Audit Logout,Lock:Acquired,Lock:Released,SQL:BatchCompleted. Run our query that time vent rising and type of event that can be traced and reported by an event.