StreamWriter class in VB.NET

The StreamWriter class is derived from the TextWriter class and can be used to write text to a stream. You can create an instance of the StreamWriter class by assigning it a Stream object returned by a method call, or by passing a file path to one of its constructors.the first parameter is the file name and second parameter is optional, boolean type. If second parameter is true, an existing file will be appended with new text.

For example

In this example we take a textfile and write some text in this file using StreamWriter class. Firstly give namespace System.IO.

Imports System.IO

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim write1 As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("Textfile.txt")

        write1.Write("This is the text file ")

        write1.WriteLine("This file contain some text")


        write1.Write("The date is: ")



    End Sub

End Module