Noida Chapter
Live Show

Rockin’ The Code World with dotNetDave ft. Jodie Burchell - Ep. 97

Rohit Tomar Noida Chapter

Join us on February 17 with David McCarter Jodie Burchell for the next episode of Rockin' The Code World with dotNetDave - a weekly show to learn & live Q&A focused on .NET and other programming technologies.


  • Introduction
  • What large language models can and cannot do (including a discussion of whether they are intelligent), and current approaches to overcome these limitations.
  • Wrap up


Dr. Jodie Burchell is the Data Science Developer Advocate at JetBrains and was previously a Lead Data Scientist at Verve Group Europe. She completed a PhD in clinical psychology and a postdoc in biostatistics, before leaving academia for a data science career. She has worked for 7 years as a data scientist in both Australia and Germany, developing a range of products including recommendation systems, analysis platforms, search engine improvements, and audience profiling.


Chapter Leader

Stephen Simon

RD for C# Corner (India & Asia Pacific Region)

Live Show Details
