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  • 5.6k Web Inputform not alligned in some browsers

Jan 22 2020 2:08 PM
I have created webform to capture student input information. I used CCS , when I deployed the application in the host org, the page output was missed up when I view it in Chrome & Edge browser, however, the inputform was OK viewing it in Internet Explorer 11.
I am not sure what is the right action to do to fix it. Is this related to browser setting of
CSS or any ohter setting .
please advise.
This link will show you the page output
The code for the page below.
  1. <div>  
  2. <fieldset class="InputForm">  
  3. <legend><strong>Student Registration</strong></legend>  
  4. <asp:Label ID="lblOutput" runat="server" Text="" CssClass="myMsgForm" ></asp:Label><br />  
  5. <br />  
  6. <asp:Label ID="lblRefNo" runat="server" Text="Ref #" CssClass="myCaptionForm"></asp:Label>  
  7. <asp:TextBox ID="txtRefNo" runat="server" OnLoad="txtRefNo_Load" CssClass="myInputForm" ToolTip="If you have ref#, please enter here, If not leave it blank"></asp:TextBox>  
  8. <asp:HyperLink ID="hyperLink" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/internship/InternProfile.aspx" Visible="False">Click to update your Information!</asp:HyperLink>  
  9. <br />  
  10. <asp:Label ID="lblFirstName" runat="server" Text="First Name" CssClass="myCaptionForm"></asp:Label>  
  11. <asp:TextBox ID="txtFName" runat="server" CssClass="myInputForm"></asp:TextBox>  
  12. <br />  
  13. <asp:Label ID="lblMiddleName" runat="server" Text="Middle Name" CssClass="myCaptionForm"></asp:Label>  
  14. <asp:TextBox ID="txtMName" runat="server" CssClass="myInputForm"></asp:TextBox>  
  15. <br />  
  16. <asp:Label ID="lblLastName" runat="server" Text="Last Name" CssClass="myCaptionForm"></asp:Label>  
  17. <asp:TextBox ID="txtLastName" runat="server" CssClass="myInputForm"></asp:TextBox>  
  18. <br />  
  19. <div class="myInputForm">  
  20. <ul>  
  21. <li>CV</li>  
  22. <li>Academic Record</li>  
  23. <li>University Letter</li>  
  24. </ul>  
  25. </div>  
  26. <br />  
  27. <br />  
  28. <asp:Label ID="lblUpload" runat="server" Text="Upload your documents" CssClass="myCaptionForm" Visible="false"></asp:Label>  
  29. <asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload" runat="server" AllowMultiple="true"  
  30. ToolTip="Please enter CV, Adacemic record and University Letter" TabIndex="10" CssClass="myInputForm" visible="false"/>  
  31. <br />  
  32. <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="Insert" Visible="true" CssClass="myBtnSubmit" />  
  33. <asp:Button ID="btnShowAllInterns" runat="server" Text="Show All Interns"  
  34. OnClick="btnShowAllInterns_Click" Visible="False" />  
  35. </fieldset>  
  1. <link href="~/Styles/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />  
  2. .myInputForm {  
  3. displayblock;  
  4. floatleft;  
  5. }  
  6. .myCaptionForm {  
  7. displayblock;  
  8. width10em;  
  9. text-alignright;  
  10. padding-right1em;  
  11. floatleft;  
  12. }  
  13. .myMsgForm {  
  14. displayblock;  
  15. floatleft;  
  16. text-align:center;  
  17. }  
  18. .myNoteForm {  
  19. displayblock;  
  20. floatleft;  
  21. width:400px;  
  22. height:100px;  
  23. }  

Answers (1)