Gcobani Mkontwana

Gcobani Mkontwana

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Creating a function inside a class in Angular 13

Mar 7 2023 5:14 AM

Hi Team


I have this code that creates a switch toggle button on and off, but when i try to create a function to call this property within a class. Its complaining its expecting a constructor or method. How do i fix this error "unexpected token"...?


According from the online IDE i am expected to work only on this page this is no Angular CLI project from local IDE.

`// code in Angular js 13
import { Component} from '@angular/core';

selector: 'toggle-button',
template: `
<div class="toggle-button">
    <button (click)="toggleState()">{{ yourVariableName === true ? "ON" : "OFF" }} />

export class ToggleButton {
    buttonState: boolean = false;

    function toggleState() { // unexected token has an error
        this.buttonState != this.buttonState;


Answers (3)